Gifts for Gaps

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Dean scoffed, tearing a paper towel off of the rack above his head and spinning to spray down the table in front of him, looking back over his shoulders with a roll of his eyes.

"Don't scoff at me- I'm serious, Dean!" The green haired teen exclaimed, blush rising to their cheeks as they leaned over to take the towel out of his hands, pushing him towards the sink. "Colby and I are just friends."

"Yeah. Mhm." The brunette man nodded, slipping on some plastic gloves and picking up a sponge. "Kid, I may be older, but I'm not stupid. I remember being young."

He picked up a plate, beginning to scrub at the dishes in the sink from the dinner. "I mean, Jesus, Wilbur, he got you a gift. It's his damn birthday."

"Okay, I'll admit, I don't really have an explanation for that." Wilbur said, pausing their wiping of the counter to throw the other a scolding look. "But that doesn't mean anything! He does shit like that all the time, De, seriously. He's got friendly intentions."

Dean, to his credit, lasted all of four seconds. And then, he threw his head back and laughed, clutching his stomach with a glove-clad hand. "Wilbur. I know you aren't stupid, kid. I mean, hell! You're about to be working for Stark Industries."

"If they accept my application. And even then, it's only an internship. Not really working, is it?"

The brunette man rolled his eyes, placing a dish into the rack after he rinsed it. "They'll accept you, Wil. You're you. And don't be picky! It's still fucking Tony Stark. God knows he'll have you doing real job shit anyways."

He turned off the faucet, spinning so that his back was against the counter as he watched the teenager throw his paper towel in the trash and replace the spray back under the counter. "You changed the topic, anyway."

Wilbur looked down at their feet, fiddling with their jacket. Dean sighed, stepping forward and patting the top of the black gift box slightly. "You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to, Wilbur. If there's one thing you take out of this, let it be that I'm here to listen. Okay?"

They nodded, grabbing the box from under his hand the next time he tried to hit the top of it. "I know, Dean. Thanks."

"Are you gonna open your gift, then?" He replied, taking the gloves off and setting them on the counter.

"Uh- maybe later. I'd-" Wilbur looked away, smiling as Dean cut them off with a nod.

"Like to show Tommy. Don't worry, kid. I get it." The brunette man walked forward, waiting for their nod before squeezing their shoulder briefly. "I'm glad you two are so close. I know you missed him, Wilbur."

"'Course I missed him, De. He's my brother. I'm sure you missed Sam too." They rocked back on their heels once, present clasped under their arm. He bit his lip before continuing. "I do miss it being just us sometimes, though. Is that wrong?"

Dean snorted, rubbing the top of Wilbur's head obnoxiously and laughing as they pushed him away with a smile. "No, kid. I mean, I practically raised you, huh? It's okay to miss that."

He looked up to the open balcony door, where Sam and Tom stood leaning against the rail, watching the sunset with smiles on their faces. "But I wouldn't change it, y'know? I think things are changing, Wilbur. But they're changing for the better."

Wilbur looked up as well, catching the last dregs of the sun as it shined against his brother's bright sweater, his eyes shut tight with laughter. "Yeah. I'm glad they're here, now. It's- it's nice. We're like a, a nuclear family. Or something."

"Or something." Dean mimicked, tapping his hands lightly against the counter and then clearing his throat. "Well, when you do go to open the mystery gift, make sure your brother knows he has to wash the dishes tomorrow if he keeps leaving unrinsed mugs in the sink."

Wilbur saluted, still looking over to the balcony. "Aye aye, sir."


The short blonde flopped against the bed, shaking his wet hair out as he folded his legs across lightning bolt themed sheets. "So- are you going to open it?" He asked, voice light as he reached across his legs to lightly set a hand on Wilbur's arm.

The green haired twin shook their head, grin growing on their face. "Of course I'm going to open it!" They replied, both hands settled on the box in front of them. "I just wonder why he got me a gift. I mean, of course he has before, but never on his birthday, obviously."

Tom laughed lightly, drumming his fingers on the other's arm and humming. "I guess you'll just have to ask him! After you open it, of course."

Wilbur blushed, huffing a strand of hair out of his face. "I don't know, Toms. It's just a gift. Nothing- nothing special."

"You obviously don't think that, Wil. It's really special. A whole gift. From Colby!" The blonde threw his hands out to other side of himself, squeezing his nails to his palms. "I mean, if I were you, I'd be loosing my shit right now."

The taller laughed and shook their head, lifting both hands to push Thomas's down. "Okay, okay, I get it. It is kind of a big deal."

They set their hands back onto the gift, breathing shakily. "Okay. Well. Here goes nothing." They muttered, tugging on the lid of the black box with an encouraging smile from their brother.

The lid popped open with a satisfying click, the blonde leaning forward to see what was in the box at the same time Wilbur gasped, lifting up the box so the contents could be better in their own eyesight.

There, in the bottom of the box, laid a metal spider button, glistening in the pink LEDs of the room.

Wilbur picked it up slowly, breath constricting at the note attached, written in familiar failed-elegance turned scratch.


To facing our fears. Together.


Wilbur looked up at their brother, who sat on the bed with his mouth open wide before bursting into giggles, kicking his feet lightly against his bed. Wilbur blushed, running their hands over the metal ornament.

Spider or not, definitely a welcome gift.


so slay ??? maybe ??? what will wilbur use it for ??? wait n see !!! :D

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