Sacrificial Bonds

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Pulling his jacket tight against his arms, the brunette teen shivered as he followed the red dot now displayed against his phone screen. He ran through the dimly lit alleys of the town, stopping for no noise or commotion. He bit his tongue as the screen stuttered, shaking it roughly as it came back to life and showed the dot now nearing an abandoned warehouse at the edge of town.

Colby scoffed and shook his head, putting his phone in his pocket and grabbing on to the banister of the fire escape, biting back curses as the rusted metal shook with his weight. He followed the banister to a caved in door, and ducked to avoid debris as he entered the building.  He pulled his phone back out briefly to check the dot, and huffed as it showed a hallway beside him. The brunette turned, and began to trace it.

Colby's heart raced as he followed the dot through the dimly lit warehouse. Confusion and concern mingled in his mind as he struggled to understand what was happening. Something was clearly amiss with Wilbur, and he couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that danger lurked in the shadows. Despite not having the senses that the other did, it wasn't hard for the brunette to piece together the situation quickly unfolding in front of him, with him helpless to intervene.

Rounding a corner, Colby caught sight of a green suit-clad figure leaning against the wall, trembling with every breath they drew in. Colby sighed, and then spoke, his voice trembling as he walked closer. "Wilbur, what the fuck is happening? Why are we here?"

Wilbur's shook as they turned around, their eyes moving frantically to scan their surroundings, his voice filled with panic. "I don't know, Col. I-...I don't know why I'm here, or, or how I got here, or why my suit is," They paused, a short laugh of disbelief cutting through their words, "fucking green." They tore the mask off their face, revealing a mixture of fear and confusion. "It's just The company, Colby. They're after me, they are, I know it."

Colby's eyebrows furrowed, and he opened his mouth to respond, but a chilling noise echoed through the warehouse, causing both of them to turn toward the source. Shadows writhed and twisted, engulfing the space around them. Colby's breath caught in his throat as darkness encased the pair, and he stepped closer to the red head when the wall beside him grew dimmer.

Wilbur shivered, and then set their arms firmly on the others shoulders and locked eyes with him, his voice urgent. "Run, Colby. I mean it. Get the hell out of here."

Determination welled up within Colby, overpowering his fear, and he shook their hands off, grabbing one with his own and squeezing tightly. "No, I'm not leaving you, Wilbur. We stick together."

In a desperate act, Wilbur swiftly pressed a button on the front of their suit and shoved it into Colby's hands. "Karen. Take him- take him to Stark Tower. Get him out of here. It's not safe." The red head said, his hands shaking and their voice frantic.

The brunette gasped, shaking his head vehemently and clutching the other's hand still. "No, Wil! Don't do this!"

The red head teared up, but kept their voice firm. as they shook their head with a sad, genuine smile - the first the other had seen in weeks. "I'm sorry. I am." They said, stepping back, letting go of Colby's hand, and rubbing their eyes with the palms of their hands before taking a deep breath and shaking out their limbs. "Take him there, Karen. Keep him safe."

Suddenly, the suit sprang to life, bursting through the wall with a surge of power, leaving a gaping hole in its wake. Colby stumbled back, stunned by the suit's unexpected action. The spider-shaped button in the middle of the suit pressed itself, and it encased the brunette even as he struggled against it, cries of protest falling on deaf ears.

He turned to the other, begging in his eyes, to find that they had already turned to face the darkness now rapidly surrounding them. He swallowed, and closed his eyes at the suit started moving towards the hole in the wall.


thë ćömpäńÿ?!

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