Bonus Content: Alternate Ending Discussion

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throughout my writing of WTIE, i changed the plot SO many times. my original story plan included about twenty less chapters and thirty thousand less words. in the first draft, i was going to end the story shortly thereafter the first attack on the highschool, having tommy be the possessed one instead of wilbur. however, i obviously got overexcited and kept writing, changing not only that plot point but many others along the way.

i kept changing my mind on the very end. not because i wanted it to be perfect, but because i wanted it to be plausible. wilbur is a spider-man, after all, and many spider-men don't get endings with pretty little bows on top. they do, however, get endings they can work with, adapt to, and live happily with eventually. i wanted to give that to them. an ending they could work with. i think i managed to succeed in that goal with the official end, even if there are a few little threads still hanging loose.

all together, there are about three definitive alternate endings of WTIE, one of which being the one described above. the other two? well. read on!


ALT. ENDING ONE: Gotham Knights lol (it was a work in progress name - this ending was mostly just for fun anyway!)

As Harvey's chilling revelation echoes through the warehouse, the room becomes tense with shock and disbelief. Wilbur's heart pounds, and they lock eyes with Tommy, sharing a moment of silent understanding. The team's relief turns to dread, as they realize that Harvey's manipulation runs deeper than anyone could have imagined.

Before anyone can react, Harvey's laughter intensifies, a chilling sound that fills the air. Suddenly, the shadows that once encircled him surge forward, wrapping around the team members and pulling them into a suffocating darkness. Panic sets in as they struggle against the shadowy grip, but their efforts prove futile.

Tommy's voice trembles with anger and fear as he yells, "What have you done, Harvey?"

Harvey steps forward, his grin twisted and malevolent. "You see, my dear Tommy, I've always been one step ahead. Every move you made, every attempt to defy me, was part of my plan. You were all mere pawns in my grand scheme."

As the shadows tighten their grip, the team members are overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness. The light that once filled the room dwindles, and the darkness consumes them. Their voices are swallowed by the void, their struggles silenced.

Wilbur's heart races as they fight against the shadows, their thoughts racing to find a way out. Tommy's determination blazes in his eyes, but even he is powerless against the force that Harvey has unleashed. The team's unity and resilience crumble in the face of this insurmountable betrayal.

The last thing Wilbur sees of their twin is Tommy's anguished expression before the darkness claims him entirely. They struggle in the shadows, tears dripping, nothing except the black expanse of the once bright room for company. Flashes of light appear in their peripheral, but no matter how hard he struggles, he can't get to it.

No key. No light. Nothing. Nothing except the knowledge that the next time the light flashes, Tommy is on the floor, unmoving, and their is blood on their hands. Nothing except the terrifying realization that, even if they were able to eventually escape, there would be no reason. Nothing then, except the quiet. The end.


i think originally i wrote this one because i must have been in a bad mood 😭😭😭 i also think this one reminds me more of the venom symbiote than the syntec type vibes i was going for, which is one of the main reasons i scrapped it. also, i wanted my spidey to have a good ending! they've been through so much and deserve to live happily, and since it is quite literally up to me to make that happen, that's why this ending was finally cut and re-written to the official ending.


ALT. ENDING TWO: Long, long time

Wilbur's mind is a whirlwind of emotions as Harvey's twisted revelation echoes through the warehouse. They look, desperately, around at their friends, eyes finally falling on his brother. Panic laces up his spine at the sight of the other so angry, so distraught in a way that is utterly unlike Tommy. They swallow hard, shaking their head, every hair on end. But just as the truth threatens to consume them, a strange sensation washes over Wilbur. Reality warps around them, and suddenly, they find themselves in their own bedroom.

Blinking in confusion, Wilbur takes in the familiar surroundings—the posters on the walls, the cozy bed, the alarm clock flashing "4:14 AM." Their heart pounds as the events in the warehouse feel like a distant memory, almost like a fading dream.

As they sit up in bed, the alarm clock blares, filling the room with an annoying noise. In a frustrated motion, Wilbur reaches out to silence it, but in their haste, their hand collides with the clock, and it breaks.

It breaks. The alarm clock breaks. But, Wilbur can still hear the beeping. The constant strum of loud noise, even after the problem should have been gone. Their blood runs cold, and they blink hard. He strains his ears, holding his breath, panic making itself known, dancing down their spine in the dark morning hours.

"Lila, lovey, your clocks gone off. You'll be late for work." They hear, accompanied with rustling, like someone moving weighty cloth, and then, "Sorry, Sash, I'll get it."

Wilbur squeezes their eyes shut, world spinning even behind their eyelids. The beginning, they think. Just like in their dream.


this ending was actually a very plausible contender to me. i really, really liked this idea- even imagined myself writing a spin-off series where wilbur goes through every day trying to change the outcome from what happened in their dream- but my dear, dear brother does not like cliff hangers very much, and because he is the reason i find joy in writing, i decided to be nice and scrap it.

i had such a fun time writing this story, and i truly believe it's made me a better storyteller. it's the biggest project i've ever undertaken, and i'm so grateful i got the space and the time and the platform to do so.

once again, forever dedicated to wil! i love you. thank you. you'll always be my muse.

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