Finally Something

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"So, kid! You finally made up your mind?" The man on the other end of the line said, an obvious smirk in his voice.

"Yeah, finally." Wilbur responded, rubbing the back of their neck and pacing back and forth in the living room, phone on the dining table and earbuds in their ears. "I, uh, I did have a few questions, though."

"Shoot." The man said, and rustling from the other side could be heard as he presumably sat down.

The green haired teen momentarily paused, looking up at Dean, who sat on the couch on the other side of the coffee table next to Sam, and then glancing to Tommy, who thrummed his hands nervously against his thighs, sitting on the floor and leaning against the arm of the couch.

"When you selected us - Tommy and I - what made us stand out to you? We didn't even know there was an internship opportunity with SI until our principal literally pulled us into her office. Why did you, like, hand pick us?" Wilbur said into the phone, rocking back and forth on their heels and biting their lip.

"There's a good reason you'd never heard of an internship opportunity before, kid. It's because it didn't exist," Wilbur's eyes widened, and they tilted their head in the direction of the brunette man on the couch. "Every year SI gets a sheet of testing scores from the seniors of high schools in the area for our scholarship. This year, we just so happened to also get the list of the juniors. You specifically, Wilbur - I'm not supposed to be telling you this, so keep it to yourself- you scored top 2% in the country. I asked your school for a list of your current extracurriculars and interests, and it seemed like I could give you something you'd really be interested in."

Wilbur stood silent for a few seconds, mouth opening and closing frantically as they fought his words for something to say. "You're telling me that you, Tony Stark, created an entire program just because you thought I might like it?"

"Basically." The man responded, a monotone tilt to his voice. "So, you have any other questions? Or are you ready to tell me your decision?"

The green haired teen laughed brightly, one hand pressed to their forehead. "I was gonna ask about the logistics, and the commute, and the hours, but I really do not care anymore. Yes, I accept your offer and I'd love to be an intern for SI." They turned again and caught Tommy's eye, who smiled. "My brother accepts as well. We both appreciate it so much."

Tony clapped on the other end of the line, the rustling sound again being heard as he stood up. "Perfect! And don't worry about the extras. My driver will come pick you up from school on the days of your internship - which are entirely up to you, I can clear a schedule like no one's business- and drop you back off at home afterwards. Of course, you'll both get your own rest areas incase you ever need or want to spend the night, but we can talk about that later."

Wilbur mouthed the words 'spend the night' in excitement, hand tapping the side of their arm. "Yeah, okay." They looked to Dean, who raised his eyebrow. "Uh, do you need our guardian's contact info? I can send it to you."

"Sure, kid. I'll work out all the boring behind the scenes with them. You and your brother just pick your days and let me know, alright?"

The green haired teen nodded, then shook their head and laughed. "Okay. Thank you, Mr. Stark."

"Tony, kid. And no problem."


"Damn, Wilbur. In the country?" Colby echoed, voice excited and brown eyes lit up on the other side of the computer screen.

"I know! And then he said that he basically made the program just because he thought I would like it. How fucking crazy is that?" They responded, throwing their arms out by their sides.

The brunette teen laughed, setting his hand on his chin. "Pretty crazy, I'd say."

"And I would agree. I mean, that's got to be the coolest thing ever, right? How many people in the world can say that Tony Stark personally noticed them?" Wilbur said, laying their hands back down in front of them and pulling their knees up to their chest when a cold chill came on. "Not just personally noticed, but also personally engaged. It's-"

The green haired teen jerked up, glancing around their room and shivering at the onslaught of the feeling that made the hair on their arms stand straight up. "Hey, uh- let me call you back, Col." They said, turning back to their computer and reaching for the end call button. The brunette's face on the other side stopped them in their tracks, his eyebrows scrunched and his arms crossed.

"This has happened before. Hasn't it?" He asked, and to no response from Wilbur, he kept going. "There have been so many times in the past few months where we've just been talking, and then suddenly something happened that I can't see and you have to go. What's happening, Wil? Is it so bad that you can't tell me?"

The green haired teen shook their head, his own face scrunching up in response. "No, Colby, it's nothing like that, I just-"

"You just what? You're scared of how I'll react? Of what I might think of you?" He pushed, pressing his hands flat against his desk on the other side of the monitor. "Because there is nothing, absolutely nothing you could ever tell me that would make me think less of you, or push you away, or any of that bullshit that your brain keeps telling you I'll do. You're stuck with me, Wilbur. Let me be stuck with you."

Wilbur sat back in their seat, sighing and rubbing a hand down their face. They looked at the clock on their dresser and shook out their body. "Okay. Okay, I'll tell you. Let's go for a walk."

On the other side, Colby raised an eyebrow, but shrugged, getting up and pulling on his jacket which had been draped on the back of his chair. "Meet you at school?"

The green haired teen shook their head almost feverishly, biting their lip. "I'll tell you why, if you really want to know, but going to school as just a pair after hours isn't a good idea. The park?"

"Okay. The park. In ten?"

"In ten."

And then, they hung up the call.



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