03| acaraje & tea

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SURE THING, Chapter three
Now playing Sure Thing by Miguel

"i got faith in you and i"

☆✧༺ reign pov ༻∞☆

the sun beamed through the curtains of my room onto my face, i furrowed my eyebrows as i stretched my arms and legs out. my vision was still blurry so i gave my eyes a rub to help, i stared at the wall for a moment until i realized i wasn't in my hotel room.

i immediately started panicking, i don't remember anything that happened last night at the restaurant after i left. i don't even remember having more than one drink other than the martini...

i felt something underneath the covers moving around, my heart felt like it was about to pound through my chest when i looked down and saw a shirtless neymar. my eyes widened and i screamed, kicking him off the bed.

his body hit the ground with a thud, seconds later he stood up looking pissed off yet tired "why are you screaming?!"

"why the hell am i in your bed?!" neymar's facial expressions switched as if i was speaking to him in a different language he didn't understand. "you don't remember what happened last night?"

jesus please forgive whatever sins i committed last night...

"please tell me we didn't have sex"

"what- no! i would never take advantage of you,  after we spoke last night you ended up getting so drunk that you couldn't tell me your address so i brought you back to my place"

"you could've just left me on the couch or something" i mumbled. "i would've but you insisted that i slept next to you instead" he half-smiled.

i felt my ears begin to heat up and my face got hot, if i was white i would've been red as a tomato right now.  "i'm so sorry, i don't recall having more than one drink..."

he covered his face as he stood there laughing at me, i don't get what's so funny, i genuinely feel so stupid and embarrassed about my actions.

"no need to apologize anjo, i slept well thanks to your cuddling"

i took a seat on the edge of his bed, my eyes glanced at the clock on the nightstand. it was almost 2 pm "how long have we been sleeping?" saying "we" sounded weird but from the time that the clock read, i could only assume that he had been sleeping all this time too.

"i woke up early this morning for football practice and got back around 11 but you were still asleep, you seemed like a late sleeper so i left you alone"

since the day i saw neymar at the beach i began to wonder if he actually played football from how hard the ball connected with my head, but at least by question is finally answered.

"you never told me anything about yourself since you chose to make everything about me last night"

"we can talk about me later, here" he handed me a plastic bag from walgreens "i bought you a toothbrush and other things i assume you girls use in the morning"

i looked through the plastic bag while neymar looked through his closet for a towel and rag "the bathroom is right there" he pointed at the half-open door in front of me.

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