07| falling in love

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SURE THING, Chapter seven
Now Playing For You by LeeHi

"baby, my heart is
beating for you"

☆✧༺ reign pov ༻∞☆

i felt a pair of arms tightly wrapped around my waist when I tried to turn over. i slowly opened my eyes hoping my vision wouldn't be so blurry. in front of me was the face of a greek god. he looked so peaceful asleep. i laid there just admiring his beauty until i got a sudden flashback from last night.

the vivid images made me made it feel like i had butterflies in my stomach, a smile slowly crept up on my face but dropped once i realized neymar had now woken up. "i could feel you staring into my soul just now" he mumbled under his breath making me laugh.

"i wasn't staring, more like admiring" i don't know what it was about neymar but i wouldn't describe him as handsome anymore, he's beautiful at this point, i would lowkey steal is lashes if it was possible.

that sounds a little creepy...

neymar tried to lean in to kiss my lips but i quickly blocked him by placing my hand over my mouth. he looked at me with a confused expression while i gave him a 'are you dumb?' look.

"i don't know why you're acting confused as if morning breath ain't a thing" he rolled his eyes and pushed me away.

ignoring his fit, i removed the sheets from my body and stood up so i could get my morning started. i tried to walk but my legs suddenly became numb causing me to sit down on the bed, i waited for a moment hoping the feeling would wear off only to realize i needed help.

without getting a chance to even say the words i heard the sound of neymar's laughter behind me.

"it's not funny. the least you could do is bring me to the bathroom, asshole!" i grabbed a pillow from behind me and aimed right for his head, sadly he dogged it in time. "alright, alright. i'll help you up."

after a few more laughs neymar finally decided to help me up, he walked over to my side of the bed and picked me up bridal style in his arms. my body instantly melted into his touch when the feeling of his soft lips pressed against my forehead.

how comfortable I've gotten with him already kinda scares me...is this what he does with all his random hookups? i snapped out of my thoughts when i felt the feeling of my thighs hitting the cold countertop of the bathroom sink.

"you look beautiful without makeup, i don't understand why you wear it"

"oh please i look like i just got a train ran on me," i said while placing the toothpaste on my toothbrush and then began brushing my teeth. i saw a smirk appear on neymar's face which instantly gave me the feeling that he was going to say something out of pocket.

"well...if you consider my fingers, mouth—" don't you dare finish that sentence." i blurted out, punching his arm.

"oww, you're always abusing me" he rubbed his arm all dramatically like the drama queen he is. i rolled my eyes at him and continued on with brushing my teeth.

after i finished brushing my teeth i washed my face and touched up my hair a little while i waited for neymar to finish his shower. "ney can you hurry up please, you've been in there for years!"

"just join me" i fluttered my eyes, processing what he said, he already wants to take showers together..or am i just overthinking this?

"never mind i can—" come on" he laughed. i eventually gave in, removing my clothes and then stepping into the warm shower.

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