12| whatever she wants

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SURE THING chapter twelve
Now playing Whatever She Wants by
Bryson Tiller

" CC, Gucci, hit Bottega,
whatever she want"

it was currently the next day after ganso's party, i had a small headache from the loud music, but it wasn't anything that i couldn't bear. surprisingly i did have fun last night, putting aside the drama with clare.

i ended up going home with ney back to his place since sofía went to the hospital with ganso.

let's say I won $400 while Ganso had to lick the toilet inside a porta-potty. i wish him a speedy recovery, but hey, at least I'm rich.

i had already taken a shower after i woke up and ate breakfast, so i felt good; my only problem was boredom was killing me. i already finished watching all of the twilight movies but i don't know what else to watch.

neymar was still asleep and i didn't want to wake him, getting a lot of rest is probably the best for him right now considering his current state.

fuck it, i bet he misses me too.

i got up from the couch and made my way to ney's bedroom. opening the door, i saw him lying on his back, wrapped up in the sheets, with one leg hanging off the bed.

i softly shoved his body "ney, you up?"

no response, i'll try again...

i shoved him again but a bit harder this time "five...more..minutes," he grumbled.

"you've been sleeping for hours, wake up!" i climbed on top of him, and sat there until he eventually opened his eyes.

the sun was beaming through the curtains onto his face; somehow, he still managed to look good even though his hair was sticking up in different directions. he threw his arm over his eyes to block out the sunlight.

i began tracing small imaginary hearts along his chest with my finger "let's do something today," i said. a few seconds of silence passed by until he finally spoke. "like what?" he asked

"i'm not sure, go rinse up while i make you breakfast" i leaned in closer to his face and kissed his cheek. i looked around the room for a moment, observing how messy it was. when i finally made up my mind, I got up, making my way to the door, but I felt ney's hand grip my arm.

i fluttered my eyes, looking down at him with furrowed brows. "what is it? do you not want breakfast?" i asked.

"i want a kiss on the lips, not on my cheek." pulling my arm away from him, i rolled my eyes and left the room, ignoring his request.

once again, morning breath exists.

i took out a frying pan from the cabinet and eggs, bacon, and sausage from the fridge, including a few other stuff.

I let the pan sit on the stove for a while to heat up before adding the butter to fry the eggs.

while i was frying the eggs, i felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. i already knew it was ney from the smell of his cologne; he's been wearing his YSL one a lot lately after I complimented it.

he rested his chin on my shoulder before attacking my face and neck with kisses all over. i couldn't bear to laugh. "neymar, I have to focus, or the food will burn." I tried pushing him off with my behind, but that obviously didn't work.

"how about we watch whatever movie you want while i eat, and we can go shopping later, yeah?"

"any movie?" I asked, turning my head to him, I didn't even notice how close he was until now. i have no complaints, though.

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