10| NOT wedded wife

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SURE THING, Chapter ten
Now Playing For You by LeeHi, Crush

"baby, my heart is beating
for you"

☆✧༺ reign pov ༻∞☆

i pushed through the crowd of paparazzi who were swarming the hospital doors, i could barely see where i was walking because of the constant flashing lights from the cameras,i felt cloistered as my body was being squished between other people trying to pass through. I pushed away microphones that were being pointed directly in my face from the paparazzi trying to ask me questions,

i was starting to feel overwhelmed from so many things happening to me all at once. i wanted to curse everyone out, in fact i wanted to do anything to get them out the way and to leave me alone. i just wanted to see ney to make sure he's alright.

the last pushed i made helped clear the pathway to where the front doors were, i rushed through the doors while security held back the fans and paparazzi outside.

I looked around the room, hoping to find someone who could lead me to where ney was. i spotted a woman with short black hair sitting at the front desk signing papers. "hi, i'm here to see Neymar Jr" i spoke, she looked up from the papers and rolled her eyes.

"fans aren't allowed in here, please leave before i have to call security."

"no, you've got it wrong, I'm not a fan—" ma'am, please leave, or I'll have security drag you out," she interrupted.

everyone seems to be testing my patients today.

"i've been standing outside for hours fighting with paparazzi just to get in here, i want to see my fucking boyfriend."

"boyfriend— wait, you're the girl that's been seen with neymar, my apologies..room 203, second floor"

i glared at her before walking away, i know i look a little crazy right now but that's only because i just survived a human stampede. i walked down the halls and counted the numbers on the walls next to the doors. it didn't take long for me to find neymar's room since i was practically speed walking through the halls.

placing three knocks on the door, I waited for a response but got nothing; maybe he was asleep. I entered the room, and there he was, sleeping. he had a blue cast on his left arm with writing on it, i guess his teammates already came to check on him.

i walked closer to the bed and held his hand in mine "hey ney, you did amazing today" i whispered, i stared at his features for a momet, taking in his beauty. he looked so beautiful while sleeping, i think sleeping beauty just might have some competition.

his eyes were starting to move, and slowly opened.

"amor, i missed you so much" without a thought he pulled me into a hug , i was a bit sad when he eventually let go. "how's your arm? when are you free to leave?"

i know he might feel attacked with questions but i want to make sure he's doing alright, i noticed that he had dried up tear marks starting from his eyes going down to his cheeks.

i can't even imagine how much pain he must've been in, and probably still is in. "I'm ok now that you're here—" Be serious, neymar, how are you actually feeling? if you're in pain, i can back off."

"it hurts, but you're fine.. i can leave later but can i hold you?" i nodded my head yes and leaned in closer to him, his head rested on my chest as my fingers roamed through his hair.

his body started to feel less tense i placed a few kisses on his forehead.

"i missed your touch." he mumbled into my shirt

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