13| the perfect pair

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SURE THING, Chapter thirteen

"ney, have you seen my phone? I can't find it anywhere!" i asked, moving aside the pillows on the bed. within seconds i was done searching the couch and the decorative pillows that sat there were now on the floor. i started to become annoyed with myself thinking i may have lost it at the mall.

"i'll call it for you." neymar took his phone out of his pocket and started dialing my number. a few seconds passed before i heard the sound of my ringtone coming from the kitchen.

letting out a sigh of relief, i rushed into the kitchen and found my phone placed on top of the island counter.
when i walked into the room, i noticed neymar had left his phone open. i didn't care enough to look through it, but I double looked when i realized his wallpaper was a picture of me.

how cute.

i glanced over at neymar standing in front of the mirror struggling with the collar on his shirt. he looked like a picky kid huffing and puffing in frustration. "allow me to help you" i flipped down both sides of the collar and adjusted the way the neck part sat his neck.

"that should be better," i said while smoothing out the small wrinkles forming on the button-up. feeling satisfied with my work i looked up at neymar for his agreement only to find him staring at me. "now that i'm looking at you, you're kinda ugly"

this is the thanks i get for helping.

without hesitating i grabbed his ear and pulled him down to match my height, with my free hand i started slapping the side of his head.

"wait no- it was a joke, please!" he pleaded.

i eventually stopped when i remembered that his arm was still injured "if it wasn't for that broken arm i would've whooped you 10 times harder" ney rolled his eyes and rubbed the now red spot on his ear.

ignoring his cry of pain i walked over to the bed and dumped out the clothes i had bought today in hopes of finding something nice to wear.

after a while of looking through the pile of clothes, i settled on a denim mini skirt and a mustard-colored halter top to go with it. i wasn't sure if i wanted to buy any of what i'm wearing but somehow neymar was able to convince me to buy them if he got me a chanel bag to match.


(a/n: sunglasses not included, sold separately 😪👎🏾)

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(a/n: sunglasses not included, sold separately 😪👎🏾)

i glanced over at the clock realizing that i wouldn't have enough time to do a full makeup look. i went with the basics, concealer to cover up a few pimples then applied mascara and eyeliner. after staring at myself for a while I felt like something was still missing so i did my daily lip combo.

perfect as always.

"you look beautiful," ney said, trying to place a kiss on my cheek but was quickly denied when i pushed his face away from mine.

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