08| love or like?

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SURE THING, Chapter eight

☆✧༺ reign pov ༻∞☆

it's been one week since i last saw neymar, the last day being our picnic date, since then i've been feeling a little sick, i've thrown up at least two times a day and i haven't been able to enjoy the foods i love to eat.

even my boobs feel sore from time to time, i didn't think much of it at first but as time went by the pain would get worse.

besides the random days of feeling sick, it's already my last week here in brazil. as time runs out i've realized how much i love it here, i almost felt like dropping out of college to stay here.

"reign get up, you've been in bed since yesterday. you even denied going to the beach with me!" sofía yelled, yanking the covers off my body. i groaned as i tried fighting back but my body felt too weak so i eventually let go.

i slowly sat up in the spot i was previously laying in and rubbed my eyes to get the blurry look away. "i feel like shit." i mumbled to sofía who was now sitting crossed-legged on my bed.

"you look like it too" she laughed,  i sent her a glare before rolling my eyes and sliding my body off the bed. i quickly placed my hand on my forehead the second i felt a pound-like feeling, it felt as if someone was stomping on my head.

"are you ok? do you need any help?" sofía quickly got off the bed and held onto my arm to help support my balance. i was too focused on the pain to form any words, it was probably the worst headache I've had in months.

"i feel like i have a hangover..d-do you have any painkillers?" sofía slowly let go of my arm and picked up her bag, i stood there watching as she practically dumped everything out of her bag and onto the chair. everything but painkillers fell out and one was a condom...

i don't know who she's been having links with but it ain't my business, at least she's being safe.

"i don't have any but we can go buy some, get dressed and i'll call an uber"

we were only going to cvs so i threw on a white tank top and sweatpants. before leaving i brought a hoodie with me that just happened to be one i "borrowed" from neymar, the collar part of the hoodie brushed against my nose from how oversized it was.

it smelt exactly like neymar and that made me feel slightly better in a way, it made me feel as if he was here with me.

when this is all over i'm going to miss him a lot honestly.

i waited in the hotel lobby with my head resting against sofía's shoulder. for some reason, we were watching cat videos on instagram while we waited for the uber, not that i had a problem cats are the cutest when they're not acting like an ass.

"i want a pet cat so badly" i mumbled as i gushed over the little kitten on the phone screen. "you should ask neymar to get you one" sofía suggested.

"no way, i can't just ask him for a damn pet like that..we're not even dating"

"didn't he bring you on a yacht for your first date? i think you'll be fine."

a few seconds passed before sofía nudged me with her shoulder, without asking i knew the uber was here so i stood up and began walking towards the door. when we entered the car we both greeted the driver and sat quietly.


after we arrived at the nearest cvs i walked around for a while until i found the aisle where all the pills were. they had many different options for painkillers but i chose to get the best one, tylenol, of course. i've tried other painkillers brands such as advil and ibuprofen but tyleonl always gets the job done the right way.

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