15| regrets and beauty

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SURE THING, Chapter fifteen

I shoved through my shared room door in a frantic action quickly trying to find my best friend sofía. i called out her name when i didn't see her in her usual spot which was the balcony, a few seconds passed before the bathroom door opened and sofía walked out wrapped in a white towel.

"oh hey, when did you get here?" she asked, making her way towards her bed to sit down. "sofía'm freaking out right now" I tried keeping myself together this entire morning and pushed any thoughts of leaving in the back of my mind but everything came back so suddenly.

"first things first, breathe. and take a moment to calm down before you continue" she handed me a bottle of water then singled me to sit down next to her. as time went by i tried to act oblivious about my pregnancy so i could enjoy my last few days here but the moment i stepped out of neymar's car reality finally came crashing down.

i leave today after my date with neymar and i still haven't told him about the baby, i wanted to do it yesterday night but i backed out. i just couldn't, i thought that maybe if I told him today at dinner it would make things better but now that i think of it, it just sounds like hell.

"okay, i gave you time to yourself to think about whatever happened. are you ready to talk now?" i slowly nodded my head, then curled up into her arms. whenever i'm with sofía i feel like i can be young again and be smothered in nothing but affection. she just always knew how to calm down my anxiety more than anyone else.

"everything that's happening is all my fault sofía. i thought that maybe if i pretended that nothing ever happened i'd easily be able to tell him but i don't think i can."

"you're young and i know you never meant for any of this to happen but don't beat yourself up. things can happen when you least expect it but i want you to understand that this isn't just on you, neymar should've used a condom instead of relying on birth control."

her natural raspy voice sounded so comforting as she stroked my hair, her warm touch reminded me so much of my mothers. sofía was never the judgmental type, she'd probably beat herself up if she ever came off as a rude person towards anyone.

"what am i going to do when classes start again, i can't drop out, this is my dream job— "reign you're overthinking again, relax."

"sofía i can't stay calm...what will my parents think of me? what if they kick me out?"

dropping out of college was never an option on my list, i've always wanted to go to college to become a nurse but with this pregnancy and how much i get paid, i might not even be able to continue doing what i love the most.

"reign, i get that none of this is easy, you're still so young but i promise you whatever happens i'm always on your side. i'll help you take care of the baby if you decide to keep it"

i felt relieved knowing that my one true friend was on my side, instead of judging me like some people. i get that i'm a teenager, well technically an adult but none of this was supposed to happen. i came to brazil to have fun with my friends, not to get pregnant but shit happens.

my mother always told me that a lot of bad things can happen for a good reason. you may not see the good part immediately but eventually, you will...although i don't understand what good could come from pregnancy at this time.

i couldn't stop thinking about what my family's reaction would be, will they still love me or would i just become a disgrace? my father made me promise to never get pregnant at such a young age but here i am...bawling my eyes out to my best friend because i was irresponsible.

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