Forces (4/6) A rescue and an attack

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The death egg hovered above the globe, sending a message of dread to the entire planet. Eggman was clearly trying to demoralise the world, make them been the knee to his glorious empire...

A freighter ship carrying cargo landed in the main as Egg pawns ran to unload it. One opened the door...

Egg-Pawn: (Alerted Beep!)

And was immediately knocked back into another badnik with one punch from a metallic fist.

Breaking free from the box, Omega roared in fury As Shadow and Classic Sonic jumped from behind him. Shadow and Omega started shooting bullets and spears in all directions, sending the bots running.

With sirens blaring as the entire facility was alerted to their presence, Shadow and Classic Sonic took off down the giant halls with Omega just barely keeping up due to his boosters.

Shadow homing attacked off the badniks as Classic Sonic barrelled through them with a spin dash, while Omega just ploughed his way through like they were paper. It only got worse when laser fire became a big problem to dodge.

Shadow: Omega! We're running out of options, where's the prison complex!?

Omega: We're not that far! When I say go, take a right!

Shadow: What about you?

Omega: Me and the alternative variant of Sonic shall distract the enemy. Now go!

Shadow nodded as he took off in the right, Omega and Classic Sonic taking the Left.

For Tails and his Sonic's sake, he hoped he wasn't too late...


Shadow burst through the gates of the nearest cellblock, eyes darting from cell to cell.

Shadow: Cmon, where is he?

He checked every cell as fast as he could, his wound occasionally slowing him down but he wouldn't give up.

Then, he narrowed his ears...

He heard soft whimpering, cries echoing off nearby cell...

Shadow: Miles!

He dashed up almost 10 floor, looking through the bars of a cell as he saw Tails at last, curled up in the corner crying.

Shadow: Miles! Hang on!

His hands glowing red with chaos energy, the bars actually melted until he could squeeze through them.

He approached Tails nervously, a hand outreached.

Shadow: Miles, we need to-


A red fist collided with Shadow's side, knocking him through the bars that shattered apart instantly. He fell onto a metal platform in the middle of the prison complex as something big slammed down onto the same platform.

Zavok: A valiant effort Hedgehog, but too no avail...

Shadow: Ugh...hello Zavok.

The red Zeti towered over him, both on opposite sides of the platform as they started to walk parallel to one another in a circle.

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