33 6 11

word count: 356

"ashley wanted to see if you wanted to come over for dinner," i lie. 

and i know it's awful. to lie. but i don't know what he'll think if i were to ask him. if he would've declined. but i don't want him to decline. 

so i lie, to him, straight to his face.

"yeah, sure, that sounds nice," he smiles at me.


"let me grab my coat."


he shuts the door and i hear his footsteps fade off. i stand out in the cold. he makes me realize i don't have a coat. just my bare skin over my frame. not even producing enough heat to where i am comfortable.

and i didnt even notice this until he brings it to my attention.

he opens the front door. i see a book shelf and a nice television with a video game system attached to it.

"well. let's go," he says, and lets me lead the way. as if he doesn't know where my trailer is.

"so, how long have you lived here?" he asks, i assume making small conversation for the four minute walk to my trailer.

"two years," i reply.

"oh. right, you said that the day we met.. i asked then too. sorry."

"don't.. worry.. i often repeat.. myself."

"why did you allow ashley to live with you?"

"they're my best friend. they needed somewhere to stay. i'd die for her."

"oh. okay."

"does anyone live with you?"

"nope. i'm a lone man."

"oh okay."

he and his girlfriend might not be that far together, then. 

"did you live alone before ashley?"

"yeah, but not really. we'd have like "sleep overs" almost everyday."

mainly because she was worried id kill myself. but that's not "nice friendly mentally stable neighbor" of me to say that.

"friends like that are always nice."

"yeah." i stop in front of the front door.

"we're here."

i open it as he smiles.

"honey! i'm home," i yell to them.

"welcome home, dear. how was work?"

"you mean picking up joshua?"

"yes deary," she says, giving me this funny look.

"it was a success."

he sits in my spot again.

"oh! that's delightful! dinner should be done soon."

i laugh, she joins in.

"we're weird," i say to joshua. 

he laughs too.

"dinner is ready!" she says.

"then i say, we dig in."


hi sorry i'm updating so late

depression is awful

i've had such a terrible headache and this week has been so crazy for me

i love you all

i hope you're doing well

and i hope you enjoyed todays chapter <3

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