34 4 25

word count: 400

i sit next to joshua. close. but not too close.

"who painted your nails?"

"my friend harry."

"they're nicely done."

"well.. he learned from his boyfriend so."

"what's his boyfriends name?"


"oh.. that's nice."

"mhm. they're both really talented singers."

there's a knock on his front door. 

"shit. it's my sister.. and her kids."

"what's- what's wrong?"

"shit shit."

"joshua," i hear the voice through the front door.

"i need you to like hide in the closet or the bathroom or something."

"i can hide in the closet. i-."

"i know i know. go."

he shuts the door and i can see through the small holes in the closet door that he's letting his sister and his niece and nephew in.

"god. your nails are painted. why?"

"because i wanted them to be... abby?"

"hey big bro."

"oh...i thought you were ashley."

"she's pissed at you. she doesn't even want you to come over for christmas dinner."

"i didn't wanna see her anyways."

"she still thinks our parents were right."

"i was sixteen."

"i know."

"you were ten and had no older brother."

"i know."

"she was the rebellious teen and didn't give two shits about me. and went around screwing every guy she could find. hence the two," joshua nods towards his niece and nephew.

"you know that doesn't matter to any of them.

"it should. they're just pissed i'm queer. i have never gotten a girl pregnant... but they don't care and it's insulting and aggravating."

"i know, j."

"i... i have a sorta boyfriend.. we're taking it slow. going on dates. i want you to meet him."

she looks over at joshua hall closet where i stand.

"is he in the closet?" she says pointing to it.

"yeah, actually."


"come on out, tyler."

i open the door slowly, "h-hello."

"aw you're cute."

"thank you?"

"you think tyler is cute?"

"yeah. fluffy hair. short- shorter than you at least. he's just... cute for you."

"thank you... abby."

"love you big bro."

"love you too."

"c'mon kids we have to go home."

"but auntie abby we wanna stay with uncle josh."

"i know, but your mom wants you home soon."

"wh-what why did you come?"

"i didn't want you to have been dead. ashley said she pissed you off. she's.. an asshole... i know. but you're my brother of course. i love you. i don't want you dead."

"i love you too."

"bye josh."

"bye uncle josh," the younger two say together.

"bye guys."

joshua shuts his front door.

"i feel like i've invaded your privacy."

"nah. that's what happens when you let someone inside your house.... they see everything."

"a-are you okay, joshua?"

"i'm fine."

i don't know if i trust his words.

"are you sure?"

"i promise."

a/n: sorta boyfriend :) 

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