The Kiss

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During a particularly rowdy lunch period, Tommy's classmates decided to play a prank on him and forced him to put on a girl's uniform. Embarrassed and humiliated, Tommy had no choice but to comply.

The next day, when the teacher took attendance, she mistakenly wrote Tommy's name down as a girl's name and referred to him as such for the rest of the day. Tommy tried to correct her, but the damage was done and the other students teased him mercilessly.

As the weeks went by, Tommy found himself increasingly stuck in the role of the school girl. He was forced to wear the girl's uniform every day and even had to go on a date with one of the boys in the class.

To his surprise, the boy took him to a secluded spot and kissed him, triggering a strange and powerful transformation within Tommy's body. Over time, he found himself becoming more and more feminine, until he was finally a fully-fledged girl.

Despite the challenges and difficulties, Tommy persevered and graduated high school as a girl, ready to face the world on her own terms.

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