Can you believe it, I'm a girl now

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Once upon a time, there was a man named Michael who loved to drink coffee. He would often spend his mornings at a local coffee shop, chatting with the girls who worked there. They would giggle and chat about various topics, and Michael always found their conversations to be light and enjoyable.

One day, while Michael was having his usual cup of coffee, the girls started talking about how great it is to be a girl. Michael disagreed, saying that there are pros and cons to being a man and a woman. The girls laughed and teased him, saying that he was just being stubborn.

Feeling a bit sarcastic, Michael jokingly replied, "Well, I guess I should just put some estrogen in my coffee, then." The girls laughed, not realizing that it was a joke.

To Michael's surprise, the next morning when he went to the coffee shop and ordered his usual cup of coffee, the girls had put estrogen in his coffee. He didn't notice it at first but as the days went by, he began to notice that his body was slowly transforming. His once short hair grew long, his voice became higher, and his muscles became softer. He was shocked and confused, but the girls assured him that everything was going according to plan.

As the transformation progressed, Michael's manhood shrunk, his chest growing breast, he became more feminine. The girls scheduled him for surgery, and he became a girl named Mia for the rest of her life. Mia continued to drink coffee at the same shop, giggling and chatting with the girls, but now as one of them.

Mia: "Can you believe it, I'm a girl now."

Girl 1: "Yeah, you look beautiful."

Girl 2: "We told you being a girl is the best."

Mia: "I have to admit, it's not so bad. But I still think that being a girl or a boy doesn't define who you are."

Girl 1: "True, true. It's all about being yourself."

Mia: "Exactly, now pass me another cup of coffee, will you?"

The girls laughed and passed her another cup of coffee, and they all continued to talk and laugh together. Mia may have changed her physical appearance, but her love for coffee and friendship with the girls never changed.

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