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Once there was a boy named Jack, who was kidnapped by a mad scientist. The scientist was obsessed with experimenting on people, and he saw Jack as the perfect subject for his next experiment.

Jack was taken to the scientist's laboratory, where he was given a potion to drink. He was then placed into a tube-like machine, and the machine began to hum with power. Jack could feel his body changing and transforming. He could feel his face softening and becoming more feminine, his voice lowering and softening, and he could feel his manhood shrinking and falling away.

As he laid there, Jack cried and begged the scientist to stop the experiment, but the scientist showed no mercy. He was determined to see the experiment through to the end.

After a few hours, the machine finally stopped, and the scientist opened the tube. Jack emerged as a girl, his transformation complete. The scientist was pleased with his work and ordered Jack to work as his assistant. Jack, now going by Jackie, had no other choice but to obey.

The mad scientist continued to experiment on other people, and Jackie would assist him, but she couldn't stop thinking about the other victims and wished that one day she could escape and bring the mad scientist to justice, but for now she had to play along, knowing that another boy might be the next victim.

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