Witch Servant

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Once there were two best friends, Tim and Mike, who enjoyed dressing up in girls' clothes as a hobby. They would often sneak into the girls' room at school and try on different outfits, enjoying the freedom of being someone else for a while.

One day, as they were trying on some dresses, a witch appeared out of nowhere. She was angry with the boys for trespassing in her room and decided to punish them. The witch cast a spell on them, and their bodies began to slowly change. Their muscles began to soften, their faces rounded out, and their voices grew high-pitched. They could feel their manhood shrinking until it was gone.

Tim and Mike pleaded with the witch to stop, but she was unyielding. They begged for mercy, but the witch told them that their punishment would be to serve her as girls for the rest of their lives. She gave them girly names, Tim became Timmy and Mike became Mikayla, and they were forced to work as her servants, completing menial tasks and running errands.

They were shocked and heartbroken at the thought of living their lives as girls. They struggled to come to terms with their new identities and the idea of being forced to serve a witch for the rest of their lives.

But as the days passed, they began to accept their new lives. They made the best of the situation and tried to find joy in their new identities. They learned to walk and talk like girls, and soon they were able to complete the tasks assigned to them with ease.

Years went by and the witch eventually passed away, but Timmy and Mikayla had no other choice but to continue living as girls, now fully embracing their new identity, It was hard but ultimately they found peace and contentment in their lives as girls, even though it was not how they imagined their future would have been.

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