Mafia's Girl

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Tom who was deep in debt. He had borrowed money from the wrong people, and he was unable to pay them back.

One day, the mafia boss who Tom owed money to paid him a visit. He offered Tom a deal: if Tom agreed to become his girlfriend and serve him, the mafia boss would forgive his debt.

Tom was desperate, and he had no choice but to accept the deal. He moved into the mafia boss's house and became his household servant and slave to his lust.

The mafia boss was pleased with Tom's obedience and decided to take things a step further. He ordered his henchmen to inject Tom with estrogen, in order to make him more feminine.

Over time, Tom's body began to change. His muscles became softer, his voice became higher, and his face became more delicate. He was horrified and ashamed, but he knew that he had no choice but to continue serving the mafia boss.

Eventually, the mafia boss decided that Tom had been transformed enough and ordered him to undergo surgery to become a girl. The surgery was a success, and Tom was now a beautiful girl named Tessa.

Tessa was forced to serve the mafia boss for the rest of her life, catering to his every whim and desire. She was his personal servant and slave, and she had no freedom or autonomy.

But one day, the mafia boss had a change of heart. He decided to take Tessa to meet her family in another town, to see how they would react to her transformation.

Tessa was hesitant, but she agreed to go. When she arrived in the town, she was greeted with laughter and embarrassment from her family and neighbors. They were ashamed of her and did not want to be associated with her.

Feeling rejected and alone, Tessa turned to the mafia boss for comfort. She kissed him and begged him to take her away from this place.

The mafia boss, touched by Tessa's feelings, agreed. He took her back to the city with him, and they continued to live together as master and servant.

Tessa spent the rest of her life serving the mafia boss, but she was content knowing that at least she had someone who loved and cared for her.

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