Office Chef

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there was a man named David who had a secret that he kept hidden from everyone he knew. Every morning, he would add a drop of estrogen to his coffee before heading off to work. Over time, the estrogen began to have an effect on David's body and he slowly started to transform into a girl.

At first, David's coworkers didn't notice the changes. But as time went on, they began to see that he was becoming more and more feminine. They teased him and made fun of his growing curves and long hair.

David was initially embarrassed by the changes in his body, but he soon started to embrace them. He went shopping for dresses and skirts and started wearing them to work. His boss, who was unaware of his secret, was shocked by the transformation.

One day, David's boss took him to see a doctor who specialized in gender reassignment surgery. The doctor performed the surgery and David became a fully-fledged woman.

As she recovered from the surgery, David's boss began to show interest in her. They started dating and eventually got married. David was happy in her new life and loved cooking special meals for her office.

She lived the rest of her life as a woman, enjoying the love and support of her husband and coworkers. She never forgot the strange circumstances that had brought her to this point, but she was grateful for the new life she had been given.

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