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Once, a boy named Samuel was traveling through the woods alone. He was a curious and adventurous young man, and he wanted to see what the woods had to offer. As he walked deeper into the forest, he came across a small house, and he decided to take a look.

As he approached the house, an old witch appeared at the door.

Witch: "Welcome, young man. I've been expecting you."

Samuel: "Who are you? And how did you know I was coming?"

Witch: "I am a witch, and I have the power to see the future. I know you are here because you want to learn the secrets of the woods. And I am here to teach you."

Samuel: "I don't believe in witches, but I am curious. What kind of secrets do you have to teach me?"

Witch: "I have a spell that will change your life forever. It will give you the power to see and understand the secrets of the woods. But it comes with a price."

Samuel: "What kind of price?"

Witch: "The spell will change your body. But don't worry, it will be worth it. Trust me."

Samuel was hesitant, but he was also curious. He agreed to the spell, and the witch began to recite an incantation. As the witch spoke, Samuel could feel his body changing. His manhood shrunk and fell to the floor, poofing into nothingness, then his voice became higher, his face became softer, his hair grew longer and his chest grew. He was shocked and scared, but he couldn't deny the changes in his body.

Witch: "Welcome, my dear. You are now a girl. And your new name is Samantha."

Samantha: "What have you done to me? I want to go back to being a boy."

Witch: "I'm afraid that's not possible, my dear. But don't worry, you will learn to love your new life. And I will be here to teach you how to be a witch, too."

Samantha was shocked and scared, but she couldn't deny the changes in her body. She realized she was now a girl and she had to adapt to her new life. She was taught by the witch to be a witch, too and how to control her new powers. She learned to embrace her new life and the secrets of the woods. But the changes were permanent, she had to live her life as a girl from then on. She was happy with her new life, but she also missed being a boy.

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