Kiss The King

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Once upon a time, there was a man named John who was cursed by a river goddess. As punishment for disrespecting the goddess, John was transformed into a woman. The only way for him to reverse the curse was to kiss a king.

Unfortunately, John was too poor to get near the king. Desperate to break the curse, he became a slave and began serving the kingdom as a servant.

One day, a young girl came to John and told her that she was going to kill the king. John was horrified and tried to stop the girl, but they ended up fighting. In the midst of their struggle, the castle exploded and the king was killed.

Now, John was stuck as a slave woman for the rest of her life. She was forced to marry the criminal leader of the kingdom and live a life of servitude and misery. She thought back to the man she once was and longed for the freedom and dignity that had been taken from her. But there was nothing she could do, and she was trapped in this new, unfamiliar world.

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