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Tom was a notorious rapist who preyed on women without a second thought. One day, he was caught in the act and punched by a brave man who had seen him attacking his victim.

As punishment for his crimes, Tom was forced to undergo a sex change surgery to remove his manhood. He was horrified at the thought of losing his manhood, but he had no choice in the matter.

After the surgery, Tom was left as a woman named Tammy. She was humiliated and laughed at by the handsome man who had punched him. He forced her to live as his sex slave, catering to his every lustful desire.

For years, Tammy was forced to live in this miserable existence, tending to the handsome man's every whim. But one night, at a hotel, the handsome man went too far and raped her. He then left her there and disappeared from her life forever.

Tammy was now alone in the world, with no one to turn to. She had no choice but to work as a female escort, selling her body to survive. She lived a lonely and miserable existence, longing for the day when she could escape her life of servitude and live as her true self.

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