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One day, while wandering through the woods, Jack stumbled upon a beautiful garden. The garden was filled with all sorts of exotic fruits and vegetables, and Jack was immediately drawn to it.

He crept into the garden, his eyes fixed on the most beautiful apple he had ever seen. It was red and shiny, and it looked absolutely delicious. Without hesitation, Jack reached out and plucked the apple from its branch.

But just as he was about to take a bite, he heard a voice behind him.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Jack turned around to see a woman standing behind him. She was the wife of the rich man who owned the garden, and she looked angry.

"I-I'm sorry," stammered Jack. "I was just hungry and I saw this beautiful apple and I couldn't resist."

The woman's face softened, and she gave Jack a mysterious smile.

"Well, in that case, you must eat it," she said. "It will change your life forever."

Jack was confused, but he was also curious. He took a bite of the apple, and as soon as the juice touched his tongue, he felt a strange sensation coursing through his body.

He looked down at his hands and saw that they were becoming smaller and softer. His clothes began to feel tighter, and his hair grew longer and more delicate.

To his amazement, Jack realized that he was transforming into a girl.

The woman watched with a satisfied smile as Jack's transformation continued. When it was finished, she reached out and took Jack's hand.

"Come, my child," she said. "I will take you to meet your father."

Jack, now a girl named Jackie, followed the woman back to the garden, where they met the rich man. He looked at Jackie with surprise and then with joy, and he hugged her as if she were his own daughter.

Jackie spent the rest of her life living in the rich man's house, surrounded by luxury and comfort. She grew into a beautiful young woman, and when the time came, she was betrothed to another wealthy man in the country.

As a wife and mother, Jackie was happy and fulfilled. She had many children and loved them all deeply. And as she grew older, she looked back on the day she stole the apple with a sense of gratitude and wonder.

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