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there lived a man named John who was forced by circumstances beyond his control to undergo a strange and transformative surgery. The surgery turned him into a woman, and as a result, he was forced to live the rest of his life as a girl named Jane.

Jane was not happy with her new situation, but she had no choice but to make the best of it. She was soon married off to an old and wealthy man named George, who promised to take care of her and give her everything she could ever want.

Despite the fact that she did not love George, Jane agreed to marry him and became his wife. She soon gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Alex, who was the light of her life.

As the years went by, George grew old and weak, and eventually he passed away, leaving Jane and Alex on their own. Despite the loss of her husband, Jane was determined to raise Alex to be strong and independent, just like she had been forced to be.

But fate had other plans for Alex. When he turned 18, he too was forced to undergo the same surgery that had turned his mother into a woman. As a result, he became a girl named Alexa, and like his mother before him, he was forced to marry an old and wealthy man.

Alexa was not happy with her new situation, but she had no choice but to make the best of it. She married the old man and became his wife, but she never forgot the life that she had once known as a boy.

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