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in a small village nestled by the side of a beautiful lake, there lived a man named Peter who was cursed by a vengeful spirit that lived in the depths of the lake.

The spirit, angered by some past offense that Peter had unknowingly committed, cursed him to become a girl, and forced him to marry a wealthy merchant who lived in the village.

Peter, now known as Petra, was not happy with her new situation, but she had no choice but to obey the spirit's commands. She married the merchant and bore him a son, but she was treated as little more than a slave in her own home.

For years, Petra tried to win the love and affection of her husband, but he was cold and distant, and seemed to have no feelings for her at all. She was forced to live a lonely and miserable existence, barely surviving from day to day.

But then, one day, a handsome young man came to the village and caught Petra's eye. She was immediately drawn to him, and they began a forbidden romance that was both thrilling and dangerous.

As they spent more and more time together, Petra began to forget about the curse that had been placed upon her, and she started to believe that she might finally be able to escape her miserable existence and find happiness with the man she loved.

But the spirit of the lake was not amused by Petra's rebellion, and it laughed at her when she begged for its forgiveness. The spirit told her that her time was up, and that she would be forced to live as a girl for the rest of her days.

And then, as quickly as he had come into her life, the man disappeared, leaving Petra alone and heartbroken. She was forced to return to her miserable existence, doomed to live out the rest of her days as a cursed and lonely woman.

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