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There was a boy named Tim who loved nothing more than running and playing outside. He was an active and energetic child, and he spent his days exploring the world around him.

But one day, Tim's life changed forever. He was playing in the garden when he stumbled upon a mysterious plant. The plant had a strange, glowing fruit, and Tim couldn't resist the temptation to try it.

As soon as Tim ate the fruit, he felt a strange sensation coursing through his body. He looked down at his hands and saw that they were becoming softer and more delicate. His clothes began to feel tight, and his hair grew longer and more feminine.

Tim was horrified to realize that he was transforming into a girl.

The gardener who tended the garden saw what had happened, and he approached Tim with a sinister smile.

"You should have left the fruit alone, child," the gardener said. "Now you belong to me."

Tim, now a girl named Tina, was forced to work in the garden, tending to the plants and flowers. She was given very little wages and was treated poorly by the gardener.

When her family saw what had happened to her, they were horrified and ashamed. They threw Tina out of the house and left her to fend for herself.

Tina was forced to make a new life for herself. She found work as a florist, arranging flowers for the wealthy people in the city. Despite her difficult circumstances, Tina was determined to make the best of her situation.

As time went on, Tina's feminine features became more and more pronounced. She became beautiful and graceful, and she was loved by her customers.

But Tina was still confused and scared by the changes that had happened to her. She didn't understand why she had been transformed into a girl, and she didn't know what her future held.

One day, a man came into the shop and approached Tina. He looked at her with kindness and compassion, and he handed her a small box.

"Will you marry me?" he asked.

Tina was shocked and confused. She didn't know how to react, and she didn't know if she could trust this man.

But in the end, she took a chance. She kissed the man and told him her story, and he listened with understanding and love.

The man married Tina, and they settled down in a small house on the outskirts of the city. Tina tended to her own garden, growing beautiful flowers that she sold to the people in the city.

Two years later, Tina discovered that she was pregnant. She was overjoyed, and her husband hugged her tightly, promising to take care of her and their child.

Tina's life had not turned out the way she had expected, but she was happy and loved. She had found a new family and a new purpose, and she was grateful for the changes that had brought her to this point.

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