Tea Party

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There was a man named James who lived a quiet, solitary life. He preferred to spend his days reading books and tending to his garden. But one day, he received an invitation to join a tea party hosted by a group of young girls.

James was hesitant to attend, but the girls insisted and he eventually agreed to go. When he arrived at the tea party, he felt embarrassed and out of place. He sat quietly in the corner, sipping his tea and trying to blend in with the crowd.

But a curious girl noticed James's discomfort and came over to offer him another cup of tea. James refused and accidentally dropped the cup on the floor. The other girls giggled and laughed at him, making James feel even more embarrassed.

Just when James was about to leave, a girl approached him and touched his cheek. She whispered, "Wrong move, girl." James stood up and declared that he was not a girl and had no business being there. He begged to be let go.

But as he spoke, James's face began to soften and his voice became more feminine. He watched in horror as his manhood shrank away and he transformed into a girl. The other girls giggled and cheered as James, now a girl, obediently served them tea.

James's life was forever changed by that fateful tea party. He became a submissive and obedient girl, serving the whims of the girls who had forced him into this new role. He longed for his old life and the freedom to be himself, but he knew it was too late. He was trapped in this new body, forever serving the girls at the tea party.

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