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Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Mark who lived in a poor village with his family. His parents were struggling to make ends meet and decided to sell Mark as a slave to a rich merchant.

The merchant took Mark to his home and gave him a potion that would transform him into a girl. Mark was horrified by the change but had no choice but to accept his new form.

The merchant then sold Mark, now known as Marla, to the king of the land. She became a slave, serving the kingdom and doing whatever she was told. She was treated cruelly and was often mistreated by the other slaves and the royal family.

After many years of servitude, Marla finally managed to escape from the kingdom. She set out on a quest to find the merchant who had transformed her and make him pay for what he had done.

After a long journey, Marla finally found the merchant and used a potion to turn him into a slave girl as well. She forced him to work for her, making him do all the tasks that she had once been forced to do.

Marla searched for her family for many years, but they had become rich and powerful in her absence. When she finally found them, she was filled with anger and resentment. She burned their house to the ground, killing her entire family.

Marla was finally free to live her life as she pleased. She had been through a lot and had suffered greatly, but she was determined to make the most of the life she had left. She lived the rest of her days in peace, always remembering the hardships she had endured.

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