Special Drink

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The man was in deep debt to a ruthless mafia boss, and he knew that he had to pay up or face dire consequences. So when the boss summoned him to a meeting at a local cafe, the man knew that he was in for a rough time.

As soon as he sat down at the table, the mafia boss handed him a special drink and ordered him to chug it down. Reluctantly, the man did as he was told, not knowing what was in the drink.

As he drank, the man began to feel strange. His hair started to grow longer and his face became more feminine. His height shrunk and his manhood began to shrink as well. He soon realized that he was turning into a girl.

The mafia boss and his son laughed at the man's transformation, and they forced him to put on a wedding dress. They then announced that he was to be married to the son of the mafia boss.

The man, now a girl, was horrified at this turn of events, but she had no choice but to go along with it. She was married to the mafia boss's son in a lavish ceremony, and the two of them honeymooned at a special hotel.

At the hotel, the mafia boss's son took the girl to a special room and impregnated her. She soon found out that she was pregnant with a baby boy.

The girl was stuck as a mother for the rest of her life, living under the thumb of the mafia boss and his family. She could only hope that one day she would be able to break free from their control and live her own life.

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