Hux Music Playlist

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Edit: Nah, fuck the old Playlist here's a better one:

As always, I can do it to you so you can copy paste.

Old chapter:


If you are able to search the playlist-
Playlist name: Armitage Hux is Chaotic Evil

For some reason, when I search it, the damn thing won't show up. Thanks youtube. Here's the link above and below typed out. Or just comment and I'll pm you the link so you don't have to type.

In a galaxy far far away, but for some reason humans still exist, General Hux is killing billions of people and smiling blissfully at their untimely demise. He's screaming like a madman and breaking rules to meet his certain needs of vengeance. Armitage is dangerous. Armitage Hux is Chaotic Evil.

Take a trip in this genocidal space fanatic's mind with a fun playlist of music. Lyrics are important in this one. It's a little gay, a little masochistic/sadistic, a little fun, but always unhinged and borderline mental. Don't shuffle. They're all intricately placed into a roller coaster of emotions. Two songs in German have translations under the comment of Cat Green. You're welcome.

How does this ginger lunatic sleep at night? Well.... he doesn't. He's too busy scheming his next move. Sleep is for the weak.

An argument can be made here- he may be calm and collective, but I don't think his mind is. He breaks all the rules and will punish others for breaking rules. He manipulates those to do the dirty work for him. He had Phasma commit patricide for him. He enjoys taking out his enemies- even more so than the big baddie Kylo Ren. Hux has no remorse. No empathy. That angry speech in TFA just proves how unhinged he is. He has no regards for anyone but himself. True definition of a high functioning sociopath.

He may demand order, but he himself cannot live by those rules. Armitage Hux needs chaos around him so he can be in control. And if he's not in control, he will create chaos.

"I don't care if you win. I need Kylo Ren to lose."

That's petty as fuck but okay, evil space Gingersnap Cookie 🍪

Playlist name: Armitage Hux is Chaotic Evil


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