A Heart A Ring, & a Gun (part 1)

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     Cream, the, Rabbit was going down the street frantically. The dreary sky matched their current situation. As storm clouds rumble above, blanketing the sky with the soon falling rain.

        Everyone was looking for Tails. Everyone included Sonic, Amy, Shadow, Rouge, even Princes Sally was helping. Knuckles was on his island. As she turned a corner, she spotted the yellow fox she been looking for, Tails.

Prior that week...

        Tails was nervous to the point he had jitters. He was on the verge of one of the biggest decisions he ever make, maybe ever. What he needed was someone's outside opinion. So, Tails confided in Shadow, as he thought Sonic's advice wouldn't be right for his situation.

        "Hey, Shadow." Tails greeted meekly. "What do you want Fox." Shadow responded. "I... I was wondering. Hopping t-to get your. Advice.?" Shadow raises his brow at Tails," Why are you not asking someone else?" Tails rubs the back of his head as he confesses that he thinks he's, Shadow, is probably the most mature levelheaded guy he knew. Even if they weren't close Tails knew his advice would be sound.

        Rouge, in the other room is ease dropping on the conversation. Shadow sits down in a seat across from where Tails sits down. "Alright. What is on your mind?" Shadow asked.

        "Have you ever thought of getting married?" The question took Shadow, and Rouge who was hidden, back for a moment....

        "Simply... No." Shadow says plainly. " But we're not talking about me, now are we." A shade of blush forms on Tails. "Tails." Shadow starts, to get his attention. "Even though I look young, I was raised in an area where you only dated WITH the intention to marry someone... Since I don't have anyone like that, right now, is why it never came to mind."

        Tails had forgotten sometimes Shadow grew up in a more... well different time than everyone else.

        "What you need to ask yourself is. Is this the person you want to wake up to every morning? To be the mother of your children? To be the one you will spend the rest of your life with?" Shadow stops to look at Tails. Tails sits thinking. Thinking of how she made him feel. How he wanted her by his side the rest their lives, and the thought of children. "Yes."

         Shadow smiles, one of his very rare smiles, at Tails answer. "One last thing... A marriage is what you make of it. It will take both of you to make it work, having what you put in it." Tails and Shadow sit for a few minutes, and Tails nodded his head in understanding.

          "YAAAY!" Rouge cheered revealing herself. "Congratulations!" She bear hugs Tails," I promise with me helping you pick the ring, tomorrow, there is NO WAY she'll say no.!!"

        Here he was. Suit and tie, he wanted to look his best, ring in Left coat pocket. Reservation made at Q's Dinne and Bar, though he was not planning on drinking, ever. They would meet here at the Chow Park next to the pond and flower garden. "Tails..."

        Tails turns around and is meet with a site that almost knocked him flat. There before him was his girlfriend for three years, Cosmo. She smiles at him," Is there something wrong, Tails...?" "No." He blurted out," No. Everything's perfect. Your perfect." A blush painted over both of their faces. 

        "So., shall we go for our date.?" Cosmo asked. "Ye-... You know what... um... no." He studded. What was going on he had a plan, everything was seup, but her, the scenery was perfect. "It's just. I can't think of a better time to ask you." He gets to his knee; Cosmo is confused as this is not a custom she knows. "Cosmo, Will you marry me?" Tails asks as he opens the small box. Her eyes go in shock.

        A flood of emotions were running thru her eyes. Tails waiting for her answer, his smile becoming more nervous. Cosmo takes a deep breath composing herself, "No."

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