Halloween Fiasco 3/3

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        What they could figure at some point Talon had, used the talons on his feet to, climed out the back and presumably went lookingfor his parents. Rouge was not taking this well. 

      "How could I let this happen, I dont deserveto beamama *sob*" She wined into Knuckles chest. Knuckles is trying to comfort his wife, "Rouge, you left him, for 10 minutes, with other kids to help out. Your not a tareable mother." He held her stroking her back trying to calm her," He couldn't have gotten far, we'll find him."

        With the remaining guest at the party they broke up into teams and surched diffrent areas around the shrine. Some of the parents stayed with the other remaining children incase he showed back up. They cut power to the warp pads just incase, so he wouldn't be teliporting some where other than the island.

       Sonic and Shadow ran the outskirts of the island. Amy stayed with the other kids, while Silver and Blaze covered the more treacherous part of the island. Cream, Tails, Knuckles and Rouge split up to cover more ground. 

        "I don't get it?" Tails says to Cream as they surched. "You don't get what, Tails?" Cream asked as she motions for her Chow Cheese to check the tree branches. "Talon was wearing a Puffy Orange around him. How is he not easy to see?" They keep looking, getting caught up in all the vegetation and such. Tripping over roots; rocks and running into branches.

        "Hold on Tails." Cream called out," These shoes are killing me." She sits on some ruins as she takes off the high heel boot/shoe. They were getting no where. Tails called in to see if anyone found him... No one has. "Where could he be? It isn't like him to just wonder off." Cream laphed as she massage her foot," He does act alot like Knuckles doesn't he. Never wanting to leave his island or the..." The realization hit them hard, they were stupid not to look there first. The Master Emerald.

        Tails called Knuckles on their theory; then called Mighty, who was close by the Master Emerald. However Mighty said Talon wasn't up there. "He's small, crawling still. He wouldn't be able to clime the stairs." Tails made an observation. Still it was more likely he would be there and not in the middle of the Jungle.

        So, Tails and Cream made their way to the Shrine, still calling for Talon. "Chow chow." It was Cheese, Creams chow. He was flying towards them quickly with something in his stubs. "What do you have, Cheese?" Cream asked as her Chow dropped a small green bootie in her hand. "That's Talon boot." Tails said. "Cheese, where did you find this?" Cream asked as her Chow showed them where he found it. They rush over to the side of the Shrine where a stone arch way was. Tails called Knuckles and told them where they were, and where they believe Talon went.

        Tails and Cream are now walking down the stone halls, calling for Talon. "Talon... Talon... Where are you, Talon?" Cream called out gently, to not scare him. Tails pulled out a flash light he had, that he used to work on machines with, to light their path. Tails looks over at Cream and sees her shiver from the cool hallway. "Cream, stop." Tails says as he takes off his Aviator jacket," Put it on." "Tails, you don't have to. I'm fin..." "No your not." Tails cuts her off, as he puts his jacket over her bare shoulders. "Thank you, Tails." Cream said looking up at him with her eyes. Tails heart started to beat faster. "Tails." Creams voice brought him back. "What is it, Cream?" "Look." Cream pointed at the disturbed bed of dust and dirt. There was a small trail of somthing being dragged or crawling.

        They mark the way they go, fallow the trail. *click* "What was that..." Tails asked concerned. *Twing!* A arrow shot out threw the wall. "CREAM!" Cream out of reflex lifts her arm to shield herself. *Ting* *woosh* "Aaa." Tails yelled as the arrow bounced off Creams bracelet, skimming Tails arm. "It's Just Like Her Braclets In The Movies!" Cream was excited. "Good to know." Tails said rubbing his arm. *click**click**click*. They stare at each other and instantly dropped to the floor as the walls spat arrows. They began crawling to the end, where Tails finds the off switch. "We should Really find, Talon." They say in unison.

       A few more minutes of tracking they find Talon. They found Talon sitting down in his Pumpkin outfit, missing a boot, with his arms cross. It was a similar stance Knuckles took often but with Talon it was just too cute. Cream picks up Talon who still has a serous expression. The little moment is interpreted by the sound of Rouge. "Talon!" Rouge cried out tears in her eyes as she flown to them. Talon reaches out to Rouge, he places his small paws on the tear stains on Rouges face and gives a worry coo. "Mama is fine sweety." Knuckles followes behind gasping for breath.

        A surprise look is on Knuckles face. Knuckles then explains where they are. They were standing infrount of a pressure chamber where he has the Real Master Emerald. The one on top the Shrine is just a regular Massive Emerald, he acquired on a mission with Team Dark. Only Rouge knew it was a fake, because she has stolen the Real one soo many times before she knows the difference. Knuckles is able to tell the difference because he can since its Chaos energy, and apparently Talon can Too now.

        Rouge snuggles the little Echidna," You just wanted to be a ~big bad Gaurdean, just like your papa.~" Tails and Cream are just in shock of the privet secret they now know. Knuckles walk over and places a gloved hand on each of their shoulders," I trust, you can Keep this a Secret." The two just nod their heads and Cheese gives a confirming "Chow."

       After they told everyone still on the island that Talon was found, alot of them went on home as it was very late now. Tails and Cream are sitting on a step of the Shrine. "*chuckles* I wasn't expecting all this to happen today." Cream said. "Really? I think this stuff is kind of normal with our group of friends." Tails said jokingly. They both laphed. "Ha-a. We look like Wonder Bun and... what's FoX-MAN's secret identity?" Cream asked... "Colleen Palant." Tails said blushing. "Yes. We look like them after a really, really bad day." Cream says smiling. " I don't think I was that bad of a date." Tails said. "Date??" Cream asked. "Ya, that's what you said.?" "No, I-i said day."... They just sit in silence until Creams Chow starts in.

        "Anyway, it's getting pretty late. I better get the Tornadow ready to go." Tails said. Cream sits there for a moment, she had so much fun tonight and she wanted to spend a little more time with Tails. "Hey, Tails?" She asked. "Yes. What is it, Cream?" "Mind if you give me a lift back to Central City? I don't want to make my self sick with the warp pads." Tails smiles at Cream," I don't like them playing Pinball with me either." Tails and Cream get up from where they were sitting and start making their way to the Tornadow. Cream steps back alittle bit and does a twirl with her arms out. "What are you doing." Tails laphed with Creams enthusiasm. "Getting ready to take flight."

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