A "Just friends" Date

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     Cream is at Central Square, she was waiting on her boyfriend Damion to show up for their date. Well... Rescheduled Date. Cream had planed a special one last week, but he didn't show. So here she was waiting on him. She was wearing a nice one pice Green dress that went down to her knees, with a white under shirt and running shoes. She learned how bad heels were during Halloween.

        "Alright. So he's a little late." Cream says as she checks her watch," He's only 5 minutes late..." Cream waits a while longer, not too long an hour has past. Cream had started to get that feeling again, like she stuck out like a soure thumb. *Buzz-ding* Her phone went off. Big shocker he wouldn't be able to show. Cream sighs and decided to get something to drink. It was rather chilling, being November.

        She stoped at a small shop and sat at a table booth, sipping on her Hot Honey lemon Tea. Her thoughts being her only companion. "I think I get how Ms. Amy always felt, when Mr. Sonic stood her up." Taking another sip. *Door opens* Her thoughts going to her phone call she had with Ms. Amy. How distracted she was... also when has Mr. Shadow been into backing? Her ear picks up a familiar voice. "Can I get a Decaffe Hazel?" Cream turns to see Tails with a package. Tails noticed the set of eyes looking at him. "Cream."

        The two are now sitting together, injoying their drinks and company. " So, what have you been up to, Tails?" Cream asked starting the conversation. "I ordered a part for a job, for G.U.N., but the company that makes them sent me the wrong measurements on the cupping. So I need to send it back." "Why can't you just make it yourself?" Cream asked as Tails took a drink. "I don't have the equipment to reshape Chaos Limiter... What about you, what are you doing here?" Cream takes a big sigh and looks out the window of everything outside. "I was going to go on a date with Damion today, but he's a no show..." Cream looks back at Tails, "So, you and Damion are still together." "And, What is that supposed to mean?" Cream asked with a little crossed when she spoke. Tails becomes a bit jumpy, "I-I didn't mean to make you upset, Cream. It's just... You two aren't around each other as often, like you were?" Tails says more as a question rather than a statement. Cream calms herself. "Your right, and I'm sorry I should not have snapped like that." Cream apologized.

        "It's alright, I understand why." Tails says. They just sit there injoying each other's company. Talked about anything and everything. "Um, Cream." Tails began," Since you don't have anything else planned? All I have to do is drop off this package. How about we just spend the day around town?" Cream thinks for a moment, then a smile forms on her face," I'd like that."

        Tails dropped off the package now they're walking down the street, Cream is on her phone looking for somthing to do. "How about this?" She asked Tails as she shows him her phone. "Sure." Here they were now at, Belle's Funhouse, to have some fun. Tails is putting on a pair of red Ice skates, because of the season there was an Ice rink. Cream was gliding him onto the ice, she had went and changed into something alittle more warmer and casual now. They spent the day together just hanging out. "I can't remember the last time we done stuff like this." Tails said. "Me, too." Cream responded with a giggle. "So, I heard Vector is taking the family down to your grandparents, Downunder, for the holiday." They are walking around the arcade, "Yep. We'll be packed tomorrow. That's why..." Cream looks away remembering how she was stood up on her date. "Hey, now are we supposed to be down? OR are we going to have fun." Tails comforts her while bumping into her shoulder. She smiles at him. Suddenly she grabs him and drags Tails to a machine. 

        "C-Cream, I can't dance." Tails says as she pulls him on the dancing game. "I know. That's why it will be fun!" They put the money in and look thru the songs eventually landing on, Def Leppard: Pour Some Sugar on Me. The machine boos and ya's at them as they press on the color tiles motioning for the step. Even though they done poorly the two friends still walked away with smiles. "See it wasn't that bad." Cream said wrapping an arm over Tails, laphing. "Ya, but you were great Cream.! You were all "hitting like a bomb, getting it on."." Tails song the last part, earning a soft jab from Cream in embarrassment.

        They spend hours playing, laphing and just having fun. They were walking down an isle when Crean freezes in her tracks. Tails noticed she had stoped, and looked at where she was looking. It was a photo booth, for couples. "Cream?" Tails asked alittle unsure what was going on, only to be shocked by what she said. "That $#@!* two timing, lousy Pr**k." Cream cursed, a bad habit picked up by working around Shadow. Tails didn't ketch why she said all that until a Leaper walked out of one of the booths, it was Creams boyfriend Damion, with another girl. Cream takes a deep breaths in to calm herself. She then turns around and walks way from the two after she sees them make out. Tails was at a loss for words, only thing he knew was he needed to be near her right now. Tails is following behind Cream as she marches in a single direction, you could feel the tension. They walk to a small area for sitting, a bit out of the way where they won't be noticed, and Cream just sits.

        What felt like hours, was only minutes. Tails was trying to think of what to say, now that their positions have changed where he was the one to comfort her. He was about to say something until Cream spoke. "Sorry you had to hear all that." Cream didn't make eye contact, when she spoke it had a tone of regret not sadness. "Its just... Wow, I just never heard you curse before.?" Tails said trying. "I know. I don't like it, it just all came out after being bottled up..." Cream brings her knees up to her chest, tapping her head agents them, "I should have known. All of the times He canceled our dates. All the times He had to work, was just him going behind my back... You know what's worse?" Cream said to Tails who was listening, "I don't feel hurt, like your supposed to be. More just dumb." Tails doesn't know what to say so he just schooches closer to her and puts an arm around her, and she let's him with her head resting on his shoulder.

        Actual hours go by of them just sitting, as Cream collects her thoughts. She shifts her weight to pull her phone out and texts someone. "There it's done." Cream said, after pressing send. "What's done?" Tails asked. "I broke up with him... Told his to injoy his ... well you know." Tails nods looking at her. "Besides it's safer for Him, if I broke it up." Tails smiles at the thought, "Wouldn't want Shadow going all, Godfather on him." Cream laphes at what Tails was getting at. The announcement speaker went off letting everyone know the Funhouse was closing. Tails gives Cream a lift back to her appartment/home, walks her to her door. Tails holds her in his arm as he walks her to her door. "Call me. Or Amy, if you need to talk. Please." Tails asked. Cream smiles and gives him a peck on the cheek," Thank you, Tails, for the fun day." Cream goes inside and locks the door. Tails stands there for a while, wasn't shure why. Even on the car ride back to his house, he was still thinking about today, about Cream. He would just need to figure out where things were going, with them, another day...

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