Halloween Fiasco

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      Tails has been doing better now. He was in abit of a slump for a good while, but now he seems to be out of it. The month is now October. Halloween is only a few weeks away and the gang is planning on having a party at Rouge and Knuckles place, on Angle Island.

        "So, what are you going to wear, Cream?" Amy asked Cream as they set up the decorations in Vanilla's Café. "I was thinking I would just wear the one from last year." Cream said as she hung up the battery Jack-o-lanterns. "Have you decided?" Amy was placing the season colored napkins," I was planning on doing a Group, maybe a Camalot theme.?" *Ding* The frount door chimed. "MY~. Do I hear about you girls going to get Costumes? With out Me?" It was Rouge.

        Cream was the first to greet Rouge," *Gasp* And you brought little, Talon." She goes to play with the little Echidna's paws. Amy walks up and hugs her friend. "You know, I still can't believe out of all of us, you and Knuckles would be raising a child already." Amy said with a smile. "We'll Talon is still not ours, yet." Rouge said as she picks up the tan looking Echidna.

        Rouge and Knuckles have been, unofficial, married for little over two years. In Echidna clans, care more of the commitment than formalities. A year ago G.U.N. intersepted a trafficking ring; Rouge, Shadow and Cream were on site. They were able to reunite alot of mobians and humans back to their homes, but Talon... So Rouge was awarded custody as his foster mother. You wouldn't be able to tell if you didn't know.

        Talon is sitting in Rouge's lap, playing with a teether. "So, you two were talking about what to wear to our party." Rouge asked. "Well, we should invite Blaze along too." 

        So, here they are all four of them at a costume shop, Knuckles had Silver help watch Talon, back on Angle Island. Nights prior Cream had put on her outfit it was a mix of orange and black dress with a pair of black shoes with white knee highs. However, when she tried it on it was a little Too tight on her; it only reached down to her upper thigh. The only thing that still fit was the Scarcrow/ Whitch hat that had pumpkins on it. 

        "Come on Blaze!" Rouge cheered, "You have to try something New every once and awhile." "How did you talk me into this." Blaze opend the door to her changing booth. The purple cat was wearing a Princes Jazmen outfit from the Aladdin movie, Rouge had picked out for her. "Oooo, Silver is going to LOVE THIS!" Rouge cheered. Blaze takes a look at herself," I LOOK LIKE A CONCUBINE! ROUGE!" "That's why he'll love it." Rouge says as she wraps an arm over her.

        Amy walks up wearing a Purple-Violet color Witch dress with red and gold details; with black gloves and undershirt. "Rouge you shouldn't try forcing, Blaze to wear something you would." She says as she positions her hat at an angle covering her left side. "Chaos, Amy!" Rouge is very energetic today," Your not going to put a spell on a certain someone, are you." ;) Amy blushes at Rouges remark.

        Rouge turns to Cream. She had shown up a little late, because of some, school work, at G.U.N.. Cream was wearing her normal casual attire of loose fitting, but not baggy, blue jeans, a red coat/ jacket over her tucked in Light Teal short sleeve shirt. She wore her side arm that Shadow got her for her 16 birthday, with Vanilla's consent, on her hip. Rouge skips over to Cream and pulls her up by the arm. "Come on, hun!" Rouge incouraged," You need one too... Thow, I think last year's outfit would work perfectly." She cood that last part only to Cream. The group of girls have always been supportive in Creams love life. They just in diffrent ways.

       Rouge already had a stack ready for Cream, all three pick out some

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       Rouge already had a stack ready for Cream, all three pick out some. "Mrs. Rouge, this is supposed to be a Family Friendly party." Cream called out behind the door as she held some questionable outfit. "There are Other opportunities to wear some of these, Honey.!" Rouge called back.

        There was a mix of themes and styles. First one she tried out was a poofy pirate outfit, with knee high boots, sword, extra... "I like the dress. Its easy to move in, but I don't know..?" Cream sead as she walks around a little bit, having some restrictions when she turned. Next one was one Rouge picked. "I really like the style, I might make an order, to G.U.N., to make one for work." Cream said behind the door. When she opened the door they went wide eye, all for different reasons. Cream was wearing a one pice Dark blue (nearly black) jumpsuit. [Think Black Widow]

        "Honey~ It looks great on you." Rouge awed. Cream looks in the mirror," But isn't it... I don't know... too revealing?" She asked, as hit hugged her frame. Doing a few stretches. "It's too bad they don't have a wide variety of sizes here." Amy said.

        They left the costume store later on. Rouge already had hers, Knuckles and Talon's. When they went shopping one day, her and Talon, Rouge had planned on getting something to tee's Knuckles with, but Talon spotted a Jack-o-lantern sweater and just fell in love with it. So, she just got them all pumpkin outfits.

        They do the rest of the shopping, and use a teliporting pad to get back to Angle Island. Rouge jumps, flies, up the top of the Master Emerald shrine. "~Honey! I'm HOME~!" Rouge cheered. The rest make their way up the stairs, with all the stuff. "Thanks for leaving us, Rouge." Blaze said annoyed.

       "Shhh..." Rouge puts a finger over her lips as a sly smerk forms. As they reached the top they saw Knuckles and Silver past out, in frount of the Master Emerald. The girls couldn't hold back their smirks at the site of the Sworne Gaurdean asleep, but more because of Talon. Some how?, Talon got ahold of Rouges eye liner and was drawing on the two's faces. Talon coos at Rouge, raising his arms to his mother.

        Knuckles flinches awake at the sudden lack of presence of his son. "SILVER!" He yells, startling the sleeping silver hedgehog. "I'm Awake!" He yells back. The girls start laphing at the little show. "Morning, Sleeping Beauty~." Rouge says holding Talon in her arms as she kisses Knuckles.

       Blaze walks over to her boyfriend, Silver," So, have fun today?" Blaze still holding a smile, as she helps him up. "Ya, he's a hand full though. Always wondering around... Knuckles? *Snicker* What's going on with your face?" Silver says. Knuckles looks at Silver and reaches for his face, having black mascara rub off on his hand. "What is this? How?..." "Talon just wanted to give you boys a makeover, while you caught your beauty sleep." Rouge joked. Silver is laphing at Knuckles. "I wouldn't be laphing if I was you, Silver." Rouge said. " Why?" "Take a look at yourself." Knuckles answered with a wide grin.

        "... YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!.." Silver yells. They all start ball out laphing at Silvers reaction, even Talon joined in. "This is not funny. You know how hard it is to get stains out of WHITE?" Silver wined pointing to the mascara painted on his face.

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