Red on a White Christmas (TailsxCream)

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WARNING! This story has some contact that is considered Adult Content ⚠ in it. If do not wish to read that part, skip the BOLD part. Do not need to read BOLD for part 2.

      What have I done?! Chaos! SHADOW'S GOING TO KILL ME! WORSE, AMYVANILLA ROUGE!' Tails was starting to have a panic attack. 

Day prior...

      It's Christmas time, with the buildings decorated with assorted colors and lights making Central City come to life in cheer. Or at least it was supposed to...

      *"... With the Holliday just a few days away, it just would not be Christmas in Central City, though some snow." "That's right Hank. This snow fall however is the record high in 80 years. Listener's and Residence in the City are implored and encouraged to seek shelter from this weather. With the heavy ice and snow, power loss is expected in areas of the city." "To ensure power is maintained to Essential buildings, Hospitals ect.,"...* Cream turned off her radio in her car, she was on her way to her parents, from work, to be with them before Christmas eve.

      Cream was going down the road with the gifts she bought for her family and little sister, who is now 6 years old. There is a 12-to-13-year age gap between them. While shopping for everyone's gifts one day, with Rouge and Blaze, she stumbled on a little kids DJ set and instantly thought of Liza.

      The roads were clear but there was still ice on spots. She came to a slow stop as she seen emergency lights ahead at, Windy Hill. What it looked like was someone tried to pass on the road and lost control striking the oncoming car and the one that they tried to pass. The SUV was pinched against one of the supports for the bridge, while the oncoming went off in the ditch. Something was bad enough they had to air lift someone. The officer walks up to Creams car, "I'm sorry Ms., but you're going to have to turn around. We're going to need and shut the bridge down until someone can come and repair the support."

(Speed kills in this weather people. *This is a problem where I live.). 

      Cream turns her car around and starts driving back however Tails place was not far from here, so he might be able to fly her home. Tails house was down Mystic Ruins, he moved back there to work after his old house got destroyed and kind of just stayed there. (House from Sonic Adventure). Cream parks outside his stone porch, she makes her way to his door and used the doorbell. Moments later the door opened to show her friend, Tails. "Cream?! What are you doing all the way out here? In this weather!?" Tails asked concerned. He doesn't see her car. Cream tells him about where she was going, and about why she was wondering if he could fly her.

      "I would, Cream. But the weather is too severe to fly my plane. Sorry I couldn't help." Tails apologized as he scratches his ear. "It's alright Tails." Cream says as she hands him his gift, "Should give you this now, before I drive home." She turns to leave, but Tails stopped her. "You're not driving back in this!?" He says worried. Cream thinks for a moment. "Well... Maby I should call my mom first and tell her I won't be able to come tonight." Cream uses Talis's land line to call her mom and explains what's going on. *"Thank you for calling honey... Just one thing though... you're just staying the night at Tails AS a Friend.?"* Vanilla's question took Cream a moment to process, "Yes, Mam. Tails is setting up the spare room for me tonight. It's just so I don't get caught up in the storm." *"Alright. Thats good, hold on. There's a little someone here who wants to talk to you."*

      Vanilla hands the phone to Liza, *"HIGH. It-s Kismos! Uoo comang home?"* Cream swooned with joy hearing her little sister, "Not to night, I will be home for Christmas. I'm with a friend." Liza Gasped, "Is it boy fend?" Cream chuckles at the innocence of her sister. She could her Vector in the background asking to talk to Tails.

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