Short story #1

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Sometime after Tails and Cream got married...

          Mrs. Cream Prower (Per-hour), was tiding up the living room while her Husband Miles "Tails" was in the shower getting clean. Cream bends over as she cleans off the coffee table, when she is startled by a hand on her butt. "Tails?! I thought you were going to get cleaned up?" Cream squeaked, as he kissed the back of her neck.

        "I did. Now I can get all dirty~ again." He mocked. Cream bashfully beat a stack of magazines at his chest. Then gave him a peck on the lips. "Not right now, Amy will be over with the kids in a few minutes." She reminds him. 

        "Its going to feel like our first date again." He smiles. Amy and Sonic wanted to have a date night without the kids, so Cream offered to watch them while they went out.

        *Knock**Knock* Tails answers the door to meet the very family. "Thanks again for doing this, little bro." Sonic thanked.  Amy carried their youngest daughter while their oldest made a b-line for Cream.

        "Looks like Marie, couldn't wait to see her aunt." Tails chuckled. Amy "shakes" her youngest awake and hands her over to Tails, who shoulders her. Amy always has this worried look on her face, whenever they leave their kids somewhere. "It's fine, Amy, this isn't the first time Cream and I watched Marie and Alicia.

        Amy kisses Alicia and greets Cream, who returns a hug. "Marie, be good for your aunt Cream and Uncle Tails." Amy tells her oldest. Marie simply answers 'Yes.'  Sonic then speeds up and picks Amy up bridle style and zoomes off.

          Alicia eventually wakes up bright eye and ready to go. The young married couple play with the children, and they order pizza.  They order something the girls could eat, Alicia is 1, and Marie is 2, the two being born  roughly 1-2 years apart. Alicia liked Tails, because he had the same hair popping off his head, those three bangs that would not stay down. While Marie had a prominent cowlick in the same area.

       While they ate the pizza, the girls chomped on the pizza. Cream and Tails play a little "footsie" under the table while Alicia swing her feet off her highchair. Suddenly Cream goes white, shock filled her eyes. She abruptly takes off for the bathroom. Tails gits up after she's been in there for awhile.

       "Cream? Hun, you still in there?" Tails asks, hearing her throw up and the sound of the toilet flushing.

~2 hours later...

        Sonic and Amy returned to pick up their kids. Amy knocks on the door, but no body answers, so they walk in. "Helloooo~? Anyone here?" The pink Hedgehog calls out. Sonic rubs down his quills as he looks in the mirror. 

        "Hi, mom. Hi dad." Marie greeted, as she looked up from her piece of paper, then continued what she is doing. 

        "Hey, Strawberry. What you drawing?" Amy asked. The little pink and red hedgehog looks up at her mother angry. "Im not drawwing. I'm writting names." Marie spins the paper around to show her mother the scribbles. 

        "Why are you writing down names?" She asked her daughter. Sonic is in the next room with Tails as he puts Alicia on his shoulder, the little blue hedgehog fast asleep. Marie writs down something more, "For Aunt Ream, and Onkle Tails baby."

         Amy's eyes widen in surprised. Cream was standing behind her with her arms behind her back. Amy went to hold her hands, and she pulls out the Positive (+) pregnancy test. The two girls in braced each other in a girly squeel, while Sonic nudges Tails in congratulating him. 

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