Tails and Cream Babysitting Date

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Let me clarify. Tails and Cream have naturally aged, just like the others. There is a 4 to 6 age difference between them, with them both in their 20's. It's been ruffly 3- 3 1/2 years since Cosmo left Tails.

      It has been a couple of weeks since Cream and Tails confessed their growing feelings for each other and started dating. However, they have not yet come out about their new relationship with their friends yet. They want to wait a little before telling their friends about them, just to see where this is going, as well not to cause any tension in their group of friends. The only ones that knew were Knuckles and Rouge.

      "So, how are things with you?" Rouge asked Cream at work. Cream works in the Law department and Rouge now has a desk job now because of Talon, her now Son. (See "Red on a White Christmas pt.2") Cream blushes looking thru the papers, "Its good... Really good." Rouge gets that mischievous look on her face. "Not like that, Rouge." Cream defends, only to have her stare her down with half shut eyes. "... Okay... may be a little, but nothing like since Christmas." Their girl talk is cut off when Shadow walks in, "What "since Christmas"?"

      Rouge immediately saves Cream. "Since me and Knuki got any romance in a while." She put on a pouting face when she tells Shadow. She then gets an idea. "Cream? Would you be willing to watch Talon for us, for a date night?" Cream not catching on to what Rouge is thinking. "Sure-? When would you need me to?" "Oh. I'll let you know."

Weeks later...

      Cream is now babysitting Talon for Rouge and Knuckles tonight; they will be dropping him off at her place in the hour. Cream is also watching her little sister, Liza, tonight also. Cream has the phone to her mouth snickering at the whole thing. Cream had promised her mother she would watch Liza while they celebrated their anniversary, it was the same night she was watching Talon for them, so. Vector suggested seeing if she could get someone to help her... Tails.

      Cream is watching her boyfriend sitting in her living room putting a puzzle together with Liza. "Where do you think this pice goes?" Tails asked Liza holding up a puzzle pice that had a flower on it. Liza takes it and looks at it intently, "Here!" She puts it next to a pice with a missing two pices between them. Tails picks up another pice, "Let's see... And this one goes here." Tails purposely puts the pice upside down. "Noooo." Liza tells him laughing. Cream smiles at him, 'He's good with kids too.' *Knock**Knock**Knock*

      Cream answers her door to meet Rouge and Knuckles. "Now, remember. No chocolate of any kind, the doctor thinks he might be allergic." Rouge runs down a list of things before they leave. Cream walks with the now 4 year old Talon. As soon as Talon seen Liza he ran to her, "lEza!" Liza's face brightens up as soon as she seen her friend and meet him with a hug. Since it was getting late Cream went to the kitchen to make something for them to eat.

      "Let's see... I know I picked some stuff up." Cream is looking thru her fridge, for something to cook for them. Chicken nuggets and some Chicken patties, with Macaroni and Cheese, just something simple the kids would like. Cream is cooking everything while Tails watches Talon and Liza.

      "Mmmm. That looks good. Mama." Tails tells her, teasing her by calling her "mama". Cream awkwardly laughed at his joke, "Don't that's *chuckle* that's not funny." Tails gives her a hug, wrapping his arms around her stomach from behind, as she cooked. "It's not much, but I think the kids will like it." Cream tells him as she mixes the cheese. "Ya, the food looks good too." Cream blushes at how confident Tails has been around her, as they begin to sway together Cream reaches up and kisses him. "What are you doing?"

      They're both startled, from being caught, by one of the little ones. "Hey, Talon. How long have you been standing there?" Tails asked. Talon just hummed "I don't know" and just stood there watching them, holding his little green blanket. Liza shortly walked in from the bathroom. Tails helps Liza and Talon into their seats, while Cream got their plates ready... "Talon you're getting cheese all over your face." Tails says as he cleans Talon's face. "Your one to talk, Prower." Cream said and the three of them laughed as Tails finds ketchup in his muzzle. Cream sits there looking at them, she wonders if this is what a family would be like with Tails. Yes, she was getting ahead of herself thinking of this, it was just a thought.

      After they ate, they played games with the kids and wound up watching "Dream Works: Madagascar" They had all piled up on each other at some point while watching, Tails arm was being pinned by Liza while Talon fell asleep on Creams lap. Liza was on the verge of falling asleep too. Cream looks at the clock their parents should be showing up any minute, but she wouldn't mind if they stayed the night. "Tails?" Cream called smoothly. "Hmm?" Tails answered in a hazy response. "Help me get these two to bed." Tails yawns and helps cream lay them down in Espios old room, that Cream turned into a spare. Tails notices the time, "Shouldn't they be back by now?" Cream takes out her phone and starts messaging her mom and Rouge. They did wind up showing up, it just took them a while. Tails was getting his jacket on when Vanilla and Vector showed up to pick Liza back up. Vanilla and Vector had some silent questions about the situation...

      Tails was getting ready to leave. "Thank you, Tails for helping me tonight." Cream thanked. Tails smile at her, "It was no problem. I know it wasn't ideal for a date, but I hope you enjoy." Tails is interrupted by his yawn. "It was lovely, Tails." Tails takes another yawn as he goes for the door. "HOLD IT." Cream demands, "Your too tired to drive back... Y-you can stay the night..." Tails is blushing mad. This is the first time he stayed over at her house. "Well, the guess room is already made so..." Tails said still flustered. Cream looks at him with those eyes that captivated him, "Or, there's my room.?"

      Tails is in Creams bed now with her, but its not the way you think. They're both too tired to do anything tonight. "Ugg. Can you believe we used to have that kind of energy." Tails asked Cream as she slipped into her bed. She was in a night gown while he wore a t-shirt. "They really tired you out." Cream says snuggling in, "You know I think this was Rouges plan." Tails is listening. "She may have wanted us to have an idea of what it like... you know, if we... you know." Cream could hear Tails heart racing. Tails pinches the bridge on his nose, "Ya. Maby your right? I don't know how good I would be, if we had one?" Cream got close to his ear, "I think you would be great... ~Da-dy~." Cream sinkers at her teasing Tails. Tails has his eyes closed with a smile plastered on his sleepy face, "You are one evil Bunnie."

      So, the night past, and that was their Babysitting Date night.

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