Cream: JAG

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(A short story that goes into what Cream does at GUN.)

      "With all due respect, Lieutenant. Remember they are soldiers of the Gardeans of United Nations, not some hoodlums. Mam."

      "And you best remembered, Colonel. That these two soldiers were involved in, along with the hospitalization of one of them. That fact that they are soldiers of GUN, does not absolve them of taking responsibility. Sir."

      The Colonel sits back in his desk and smiles at her, "They told me before you came here, that you don't hold punches. Let's hope you do the same in the court room." She stands up and salutes the Colonel, and she leaves after he salutes her back. "Oh, and Lieutenant Cream. Good luck." First Lieutenant (0-2), Cream the Rabbit. Of the Judge Advocate General, for GUN.

4 Months latter...

      Cream was at her home-desk getting papers together for her case. Yes Cream is a Military Lawyer for GUN. Her current case in umongst her first ones since she became a lawyer, but she is still considered a member of Team Dark still. It's complicated... "Where did I put that file?" Cream says to herself as she looks thru the piles of pappers on her desk, at home. She looks at her clock and sees she still has a few hours before the proceedings. She was already in her uniform ready to go, but a Prosecutor showing up unprepared was unreasonable.


      Cream looks up to see Tails in his Aviator coat, she had asked him to drive her to court today. "Oh! Hey, Tails. Sorry I didn't hear you come in..." She says and starts looking thru the pile again. Tails walks into the room, "I can see why. What are you looking for?" Tails asked starting to look around too. Cream tell him, "The case file for today... It's in a light green folder with a white lable on it with today's court date on it." Cream is already stressing out, she has only handled a few other cases but this is her first as a Prosecutor.

      "You mean this one?" Tails holds up the file she had been looking for. "It was stuck in you planner, here." "Yes! Alright." Cream puts the folder in her brief case and checks to see has everything. "Alright let's go."

      Tails and Cream are driving down the road when Tails finally asked, "So, I'm not sure if I was supposed to see that, but... What exactly is a ARTICLE 114?" He just glances over to Cream who just smiles at him.

      "A Article 114, is when enlisted members are involved in, or know, a duel." Cream tells, Tails. Tails looks surprised and interested in the case, "Wait? Dueling? Like with swords and muskets?" Cream cracks a smile. "Yep. Sorry but I don't think I should tell you anymore of the case. Just to be safe." Cream smiles meekly at Tails. "Well, how about after?" Tails asked. "Maby..." Tails holds up out his pinky to her, something she used to do when she made a promise. Cream giggles and loops her pinky too. "Deal."

After the case...

      Cream is back at her place in Central City. Her place used to be the office for, Chaotic Detective Agency. But since they have become bigger with Cream's mom, Vanilla, being their secretary, they became very successful. Vector even has his own show now. "So, Cream...?" Tails asked as he sets the pizza box on the table, "Can you tell me about what you were on, now?" Cream smiles at Tails, "You really want to know what all happened."

      "Truthfully. It was going to just be Conduct Unbecoming of an officer, and reckless endangerment. But once I learned more, I figure something that hasn't been done in a while." Cream said bringing in the cola. "So, you choose to charge them for Dueling because it sounds cool." Tails said smiling at this. "Kind of... But it really was a serious matter. That's why I suggested the charge: Firearm Discharge, Endangering Human life." Cream tells Tails as they start eating their very late lunch. "It was just stupid. Those two should not have even past the recruiter."

      The two friends enjoy their pizza and make small talk. Just enjoying their time together and gossiping about their friends. The biggest thing Cream talked about was her little sister Liza was so close already to Rouge and Knuckle's son, Talon. Cream starts nibbling her pizza a little when she thinks of them. "What is it, Cream?" Tails asked concern. "You know, the whole reason why I switched over to JAG?" Cream asked seriously. Tails drops his face, "Ya. You done that shortly after Team Dark busted that trafficking ring... I know somethings went down, but I also know you don't really want to go into details." Tails looks at Cream. He reaches over and grabs her hand, and she looks up at him. "Just know I'm by your side when you need me."

         "Thanks, Tails."

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