Turned on (Beatrice and Ava)

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Ava, bloodied and bruised, ducked down, barely missing the attack on her left, before punching the guy to the right of her square in the stomach.
His abdomen was pushed forcefully, and he flew straight into a building.
Ava stood from her hunched position, flicked a bit of wild brown hair out of her eye and breathed a sigh.
'All in a days work.' She brushed her hands off and Beatrice's whole body froze.
A warmth she had never allowed to fill her body simmered under the surface of her skin, until she was boiling with it, her face as infected as her lower stomach, that clenched uncomfortably.
Beatrice stumbled, clutching where the warmth was stemming from, her abdomen filling with liquid lava.
'Bea, are you okay? Did one of them clip you?' Ava ran to her side in seconds, her bloody hand stroking her back.
Beatrice turned away from the hand that had worsened her bodies state, gasping into the wall for ten seconds to calm down this raging inferno that had diseased her.
'Bea you're scaring me.' Ava's worried voice pierced through the eerie silence of the street.
'Sorry. Sorry. Just... thought I was going to throw up.' Beatrice stood, one last cough to prevent whatever was occurring inside her to worsen, and chanced a glance at Ava.
Her hair was framing her face, sticky with sweat and blood, her face the same state, and yet she looked gorgeous.
Another wave of sickness rushed through Beatrice and she sucked in a breath.
'Are you sure you're good?' Ava asked, her eyebrows furrowed cutely.
'Perfect. Let's go before any more small minded men try and fight us.' Beatrice shook herself. Nothing had rattled her as such for years, the only illness similar from when she first met her old friend, Leah.
And no, when they got home, Beatrice did not look up whether you could be allergic to another, and she certainly did not slam her head down in despair when no results came up, none that were serious anyway.
The next time this strange feeling she didn't totally hate caught her off guard was in bed.
There was nothing significant about the night, she and Ava falling asleep the same as always, gravitating towards each other until they were a tangled mass of limbs as always.
She woke up with a start, her heart racing uncomfortably in her chest.
Her body was alarmingly hot, and she could feel the sweat pool in between her front and Ava's back, that was pressed snugly into her.
A gasp escaped her mouth, and she scrambled quietly to the safety of the cool bathroom. Once there, she didn't recognise the girl in the mirror.
Her heart beat a mile a minute as she scrutinised the reflection staring back at her.
Cheeks beyond red, eyes wide and dark, and hands shaking with repressed energy.
She splashed herself in water, begging God to rid her of this feeling.
After a tense half hour of sitting on the cool bathtub, her heart stopped striking her chest so painfully, and the intolerable throbbing subsided, she pondered what caused this reaction.
She thought back to her dream, of her and Ava at the beach, playing volleyball, eating ice cream, cuddling on the warm sand, kissing- kissing?
Beatrice felt a full body shut down, and lay on the bed to prepare herself for the inevitable stunned immobility.
She turned her head and her heart started that uneven rhythm again when she saw Ava.
Eyes fluttering softly, and lips parts to puff out air, Beatrice had never seen such a breathtaking sight.
Beatrice spent another hour watching Ava, until the pull of sleep tugged her to hard for her to resist.
Ignore the dream Beatrice. Ignore the illness. You're job is to keep Ava safe. Focus on that.
Ava's shirt was off. Ava's shirt was off. And Beatrice's eyes were happily replacing the cotton that had clung to her skin.
She couldn't look away, she couldn't force her eyes off of Ava, no matter how hard she tried.
Ava's skin was soft and smooth looking, and yet it was pulled tight over her stomach, letting hard muscle show. Beatrice gulped, her mouth suddenly very dry.
Her brain urged her head to change direction, her body to spin around, telling her desperately that the wall would be far more interesting than her best friends half-naked form, but her racing heart had her eyes roaming the scene in front of her.
Ava's bra was holding her breasts and Beatrice was jealous, so jealous of a piece of fabric, that she almost reached out to rip it.
Beatrice was flooded with the feeling she had grown accustomed too, the sweltering wave of something taking her breath and ability to stand completely stable.
'Take a picture it'll last longer.' Ava was smirking, smirking widely and her eyebrow cocked in a way that persuaded the wave of heat to grow all the more stronger.
'Can I?' Was out of Beatrice's mouth before she could blink, before she could take it back.
Ava's eyebrow fell and her smirk softened, until she was just Ava, looking vulnerable and open and willing, willing for what, Beatrice could not tell.
'Wh- Beatrice-' Hans walked into the backroom of the bar.
'Woahhh Ava, has no one told you nudity in the workplace is kinda illegal?' He put his hand over his eyes, shifting awkwardly from foot to foot.
Right, the appropriate way to react to your friend in this position.
But Beatrice caught herself taking a last lingering glance at the olive skin, before dutifully turning around, her shaking hands clamped tightly behind her back.
'My bad Hans, just giving Beatrice a show.' Beatrice could practically hear the wink on the end, and she breathed in as much dignity as she could, knowing her cheeks and ears were red, before turning around and walking out of the door Hans had just walked in through.
It took 5 hours, 10 glasses of water, and a cold shower after work to make Beatrice feel normal again.
Beatrice watched the slimy male talk to Ava, and the red rush she felt this time was not at all pleasant. It left her agitated and wound up, her fingernails scraping the wooden table, and her leg bouncing up and down, up and down.
His hand brushed her forearm, the forearm that plagued Beatrice's dreams more often than not as of late, and she hissed through her teeth.
She glanced back up to the pair, trying to act nonchalant, but failing miserably, only to be met with two pairs of eyes, one that made her body jolt in joy, and one that made her snarl in jealousy.
Ava pointed at Beatrice casually, and the man's face soured, before he huffed and left Ava to clean some glasses.
Beatrice couldn't help but be intrigued.
'What was all that about?' She asked.
'Fucking guy wouldn't stop hitting on me. Said I had a girlfriend. He said some bullshit like well she's not here. Pointed at you, said there she is, and off he went.' Ava had her signature smirk on, albeit looking slightly more tender these days.
Beatrice predicted the flow of warmth, and she wasn't wrong. Her ears tinted, she bowed her head to hide the giddy smile that took over her flushed face at even the idea of being Ava's.
'What time do you get off today?' Beatrice stuttered.
'5. And hopefully that won't be the only thing I get off.' Ava winked. Beatrice blinked. She wasn't always knowledgeable about the terms Ava used, but she had picked up on the meaning of a few.
The blush that took over didn't leave until that night.
Beatrice looked down at Ava, who was giving her a soft, unguarded look in return.
'I- I feel ill.' Beatrice confided in the hushed atmosphere, the only noise being there deep breaths.
'We can stop-' Ava blurted out, her frown contradicting her words.
'No. I don't want to. I just need to know what this feeling is.' Beatrice was confused, and Ava was concerned for her.
'What feeling is it?' Ava asked, stroking Beatrice's sides.
'That one. It just happened again. It's this warmth right here.' Beatrice pointed to her abdomen and Ava's expression morphed into a shit eating grin.
'Baby,' Beatrice swooned, ' I think you're turned on.'
Beatrice analysed her bodies current state, the state that Ava had forced upon her for far too long, and groaned in realisation.
'All this time...' Beatrice mumbled, and Ava smiled that genuine smile, the one reserved for Beatrice.
'Come here, my innocent little idiot.' Ava tugged the back of Beatrice's head, down until Ava's mouth was slotted against hers again, until Beatrice had her tongue back in the warmth of Ava's and the heat she had been plagued with for the past few months engulfed her yet again.
'Let's do something about that warmth huh?' Ava grinned like a kid on christmas, flipping them over.

I may have to do this same storyline with Wednesday and Enid, because I loved writing it.

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