Reasons (Jenna)

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'So how does it feel to be on the rise of stardom?' Gale, he said his name was, a nervous interviewer, with framed glasses and a flannel t-shirt, an attire you'd probably wear on a cozy day.
'Well, I've never felt more watched that's for sure!' You chuckled uneasily, measuring every breath so no one out there would criticise you on how breathless you sounded.
'But for the most part, it's fantastic. The people I've met have changed my perspective on the work I do, and the positive feedback has been incredible. I started writing these songs for the partner I had at the time, thinking nothing of it, and now I have followers from all over the world, listening to me? It's absurd and I'm insanely grateful.' The words were flowing easily, as these were your real feelings, and you found yourself sinking into the comfy seat at the thought of your recent success.
It still baffled you to this day.
'Well they're certainly flowing in! Our source said you're now at 3 million followers on Instagram.' Gale smiled at the clear look of shock on your face.
'I know its crazy to me that so many people want to follow me for my music. I'm incredibly overwhelmed in the best way due to my fans. I try to reply to as many of them as I can, as they've taken the time out of their day to support me, so why shouldn't I?'
'That's very true. Out of those 3 million followers, are there any names we would recognise?' Gale hinted.
You felt yourself blush slightly.
'Well, a few singers have followed me, people I've supported on tour, and um Jenna Ortega may have followed me yesterday and I may have freaked out over it.' You laughed slightly at Gale's face, knowing he knew this would get so so many views.
'Are you a fan?' He asked.
'Yes. For many reasons.' You smirked, still blushing.
'Care to share?'
'Now, I don't want to spill all my secrets.'
'Fine, keep it to yourself.' Gale joked.
The interview carried on, and you largely forgot about it.
The next day, you promoted the interview by posting a short clip of it on your feed, leaving the notifications to flood in on silent as you went to the studio to work on a few songs.
When you got home, you scrolled through a few, your heart stopping when you saw a DM.
Jenna had messaged you.
Jenna had messaged you.
You opened it after a long staring contest with it, debating if it was real.
Jenna Ortega
Can I ask what the reasons are?
You gulped. May as well be honest. It's not like you're likely to ever meet her.
Well one of them is you're insanely attractive
Oh and another is you're insanely good at your job
You held your breath until she answered, which took about 10 seconds.
Jenna Ortega
Well I'd say the reason for me following you would be the exact same
You huffed, dumbfounded, staring at your phone.
You like my music?
Jenna Ortega
I really do. Maybe you could give me a concert one day?
I am down for that whenever Miss Ortega
Jenna Ortega
Let's make it happen then ;)
1 year later
'Gale nice to see you again.' You smiled at the familiar face.
'And you. You've grown massively since the last time you were here. 10 million followers. How does it feel?' Gale grinned.
'As jaw dropping as it did a year ago. I'm still in awe about it all, and I can't thank my fans enough for where they've taken me.'
'It's very inspiring to see you take on the world, I have to say.'
'Thank you Gale. That means a lot.'
'Last time you were here, you mentioned a certain actress. Did she say anything about that? We've all been dying to know.'
'She may have reached out.' You smiled, warmth flooding you at the mention of Jenna.
'And that's all I'm gonna give you.'
2 years later
'20 million now. It's only going up for you.'
'Gale, my fans are crazy, and I am crazy extatique to have them support me every step of my music career.'
'Speaking of, there's a new album coming out soon, yes?'
'Yes, Her will be out in a months time!'
'Is it about anyone in particular?'
'It is. My girlfriend, who has been with me through thick and thin, is who I'm dedicating this album too. She's who I want to marry, so I'm sure this isn't the only album that'll be about her.'
'And do we get a name? A face? Anything?'
'Maybe next year Gale.'
3 years later
'So last year you said you'd give us something.'
'Wow you really hung onto that Gale.'
'Yes of course we did. So?'
'All will be revealed soon Gale. Don't you worry.'
'On another note, Her has been a global hit! How many streams is it on now?'
'I'm not even sure. When it reached over 50 million I almost blacked out. The constant love from my fans has been outrageously brilliant.'
'Will we be expecting another album soon?'
'Maybe. It's in the cards. You'll have to see.'
4 years later
'We have a lot to catch up on.'
'We do Gale.'
'You got married, and dropped an amazing record about your wife all in the space of a year.'
'I did indeed.'
'And will you finally tell the world who your wife is?' Gale asked, a glint in his eye.
You had gone over the script a bit before, enjoying the shock Gale had gone through.
'I'll do you one better and show the world who my wife is.' You grinned as you heard her small footsteps on the carpet, and turned as she sat down on the couch next to you and wrapped an arm around your waist.
'Hey Jenna.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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