Wednesday + Enid + Reader Pt2

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The long day turned into an even longer week. The girls seem to be trying to torture you, or kill you, or both.
They kept suggesting things to do, going out, eating, buying things. And that on its own would've been fine. But they have been flirting you're sure of it.
Or you're just going insane and seeing the things you want to see.
But it's as if a switch has been flipped, as if they're both in on this crazy game to see who can make you fold first.
One night you get very close.
You had gone out with a friend for some dinner, getting back pretty late.
Opening the door, the last thing you expected was to see Wednesday sitting on top of Enid on her bed, their lips locked tightly, hands gripping waist and cheeks.
You had spluttered out an apology, closing the door and waiting to be let back in by Enid, who was smirking lightly and looked unapologetic.
That image is rooted in your brain, and you can't get it out.
You had been doing well. Really well.
The last two weeks had been the same routine.
Wake up. Wednesday would throw a soft but snarky comment that left you speechless. Go to classes. Enid would brush your hand and tell you you looked good today. You'd blush heavily. They'd take you on a walk, or a trip to town, talking about anything and everything as you stole glances at both of them.
You'd eat dinner with them, not knowing which one to watch.
Enid, sloppy and messy but cute. Or Wednesday, calculated and clean but still fucking cute.
You'd go back to your room and they'd hop onto one of their beds.
They would cuddle, or kiss, or something of the sorts, and you'd sigh to yourself, digging further into the lonely pillows until you fell asleep.
But one day just tipped you over the edge.
You weren't sure what it was.
Maybe it was the way Wednesday shook you awake, a concerned frown etched on her face.
'Wake up class starts soon.' She had mumbled, followed by a, 'your hair is a mess. It's cute, but I don't think you'd appreciate going to class looking like that.' With a hairbrush in hand.
You had squeaked out a thanks, trying to tame the roaring flush of your face.
Classes had been fine, but you hadn't seen Enid all day, so when you got back to the room, she grinned and tugged you into a hug.
'Hey. I've missed your pretty face today.' She said into your neck.
You looked over at Wednesday, wondering if she'd be angry at Enid for saying something like that to another girl, but all you found was a loving gaze, directed at not only Enid, but you too.
'I missed you too.' You said back, squeezing her gently.
Dinner was soft, softer than usual. It was all small, shy smiles, even from Wednesday, and catching up from the day.
You got back to the room, and watched as Wednesday stopped halfway towards Enid's bed.
She looked back at you, and the look in her eyes made you know, know deep down, that the decision you made next would be the right one.
'Um, do you guys, maybe wanna, hang in my bed tonight? It's big enough for the three of us.' You scratched your neck, looking down in fear of their reaction.
'That sounds adequate.' Wednesday said.
You looked up to see two pairs of eyes staring back, both soft and open and hopeful.
You knew then that your feelings weren't one sided, but you had to make sure.
You patted your bed, and they both sat on opposite sides of you.
There was a silence, one you weren't sure how to fill, until Enid.
'Come here.' She said gently, tapping your shoulder.
She slid a hand onto your cheek, pulling your face towards hers.
'Wednesday-' You had to make sure.
'Wednesday wants this too. We both want you.' Enid whispered. You felt Wednesday mould herself onto your back, her arms coming around your stomach.
You kissed Enid softly at first, all hesitant lips and giddy breaths.
But Wednesday was watching, and her arms had tightened around your stomach, and you had been wanting this for so long.
You licked into her mouth, drawing a low grumble from the back of her throat, before pulling away.
You turned to Wednesday, unsure of her boundaries when it came to physical contact.
But she answered it for you, instantly meeting your lips with hers before you could even get the question out, her tongue was in your mouth, exploring.
When you came up for air, Enid was planting kisses on your neck.
'You have no idea how much I've wanted this.' You breathed out.
'Took you long enough to get our hints.' Wednesday grinned, actually grinned at you, and it was beautiful, so you told her as such, resulting in another kiss that took your breath away.
Enid matched Wednesday's kisses, and as you watched them kiss, you didn't feel any jealousy, or anger, only love, and excitement for what's to come.

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