Im glad its you (Wednesday + Enid)

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Wednesday watched as Enid danced around her side of the room. She was wearing a startlingly bright pink sweater, paired with a light orange skirt, and pale pink tights, moving her body to the sound of Taylor Swifts voice.
And Wednesday, the tiny girl dressed in all black, as always, had stopped feeling the bile rise in her throat, along with the most heart shattering insult her brain could conjure.
A much more terrifying feeling had battled for its place, a fuzzy warmth that worked its way through her veins, injected into her blood. This evil has crept up on her invisibly, until it stared her in the eyes, taking the form of a bloodied, battered Enid, who looked undeniably gorgeous, caked in Tyler's remains and crushing Wednesday into a hug, almost as if she was her next victim.
and what a death it would be.
Wednesday had thought.
This feeling hadn't left, only rooted itself further into the dark girls frame, inhibiting the morbid groves and grotesque imagines that had once made Wednesday... well Wednesday.
It had only grown stronger, baring its large and gross teeth, taking residence in Wednesdays black heart, flicking switches she never knew she had, lighting her heart little by little.
'Hey Wednesday?' Enid was nervously swaying from side to side, on the very edge of their rooms divide.
'Yes?' Wednesday strode over until she was a meter away, battling the annoying voice in her head to tell her to move closer.
'I have a huge huge favour to ask. And obviously you don't have to say yes! It's a big ask and I get if you aren't comfortable with it, and you're gonna think it's sooooo stupid, well, you think most things I do are stupid, but-'
'Spit it out. You have already interrupted my writing time.' Wednesday cut through the (cute) rambling. 
'I need you to fake date me!' Enid let the words fly out of her mouth, her eyes scrunched in the inevitable decline from her friend.
Wednesday studied Enid, finding her expression entirely, horridly adorable.
'Okay.' Was out of Wednesdays mouth, hanging in the air for a split second.
'Really?' Enid asked, a blinding grin on her face.
'Yes. Now if that's all, I shall go back to my writing.' Wednesday stepped back, struggling to force her lips to stay still and not curve up, because any of Enid's smiles burnt so beautifully, they hurt in the best way.
'Do you not want to know why?' Enid squeaked.
'You can fill me in on our mission later.' Wednesday walked to her side of the room.
Thing tapped on Wednesdays desk.
too bad it's not real dating.
'Do you want to lose a finger?'
this is going to be torture for you.
'What about it? I love torture.'
i'm quite confident you won't like this one.
'Shut up.'
of course you would do this for her.
Wednesday took the knife out of her pocket, gently prodding Thing with it.
He scampered off to Enid's side of the room pretty quickly.
What does Thing know Wednesday scoffed internally, because obviously Thing was right. She would do anything for Enid. Even this self torture. She's finding it more and more difficult to say no to the bounding wolf each day.
Taking a breath, she threw the thoughts around in her head.
What did Enid want to fake date for?
What does that entail?
How much writing time would it eat into? (It had already taken approximately 5minutes 27seconds and counting)
What happens if Wednesday already likes Enid so much she wishes it was real?
She huffed, a hair from her bangs flicking upwards slightly.
'From my timing, writing time is up! And roomie time is a go.' Enid sang from her nauseating bed.
Wednesday stood from her typewriter, cracked her knuckles one by one, and walked over to Enid, who looked uncharacteristically shy and gauche.
'Why do we need to pretend to be enamoured by each other in front of our peers?' She presses, mentally noting the other 20minutes she had just wasted thinking that exact thought.
'Oh right um straight to it okay. Uhhh- you'll think it's stupid but Ajax-'
'Is a useless, awful stone boy who can't see your worth so decidedly can't be with you.' Wednesday finished, a hum trapped back into her throat that threatened to spill out.
'I like him Weds. He, he's nice to me and he laughs at my jokes.' Enid looked down, finding the stitching in her soft fluffy blanket incredibly interesting.
Why do I have to keep explaining it to Wednesday anyway?
Why does she care?
She doesn't care for anyone, that's why I'm settling for Ajax in the first place.
Stop- I'm over that.
'Don't call me that. How does this involve me?' Wednesday's jaw was clenched tighter than normal, and her left eyebrow was threatening to twitch at any second.
'Well, I was thinking... maybe if he saw me with someone else...' Enid gave her the puppy dog eyes, and her internal organs melted, until they were a puddle of disgust (adoration) sitting in her skeleton.
'He'd get jealous, try and kill me to take you away, and you'd allow me to finally rid this world of his annoyance?'
'No! Wednesday no! I'm hoping if he sees us he'll figure out he likes me back.' Her head was hung low, so she didn't see the frown drop further on Wednesday's face.
'If he doesn't see that now, he's a small minded, idiotic creature who deserves death, or worse.'
'He just needs a push. Then by the end of the semester, we'll be together!' Enid plastered on a smile.
No, I don't want Wednesday instead.
No, I don't want Wednesday instead.
No, I don't want Wednesday instead.
'Fine. I shall become your fake partner, but only to practice my acting skills in case I need to get away with a murder, and stay close to you so I can murder whoever hurts you.' Wednesday nods her head, and ignores Thing shaking hastily on the floor, out of Enid's line of sight.
'Thank you thank you thank you! I owe you one Weds!' Enid flails in front of Wednesday, clearly trying not to hug her, no matter how much her body urges her to.
'Don't. Call. Me. That.'

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