Always (Beatrice + Ava)

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Ava had been boisterous, loud, careless ever since the halo. She had so much pent up energy, contained for far too long, built up far too high to not use it.
And Ava thought, with Beatrice, putting her vows in the past and focusing on freedom, or as much as they could find in their situation, thought she would follow in her footsteps.
But Beatrice had struggled, unsure what her relationship with faith currently was, and unsure what her life was structured by now she didn't have it.
She still felt tied to Ava, to keeping her safe and protecting her, even with the ring of strength in her back, but that was all she could conjure up as a duty.
Ava watched as Beatrice went through her morning routine, a small frown painting her gorgeous face.
'Your vows never defined you as a person Bea. I never saw you as a nun first, you were just you. You were kind, and caring, and badass. Your beliefs don't change those qualities.' Ava said gently, observing Beatrice grip the counter top until her knuckles turned white.
Beatrice had quietly admitted to Ava last night that she is going against her vows, in what way she was unsure yet, but she knew in her heart things had changed. Things being her undying adoration for Ava, something that her vows don't agree with, but Beatrice does.
Ava had been stunned to silence, and Beatrice had whispered of bed before Ava could pick up her jaw.
'It will take some getting used to.' Beatrice finally agreed, her voice tired and defeated.
'You'll be okay. You have the bar, and you have friends, and you have me.' Ava touched Beatrice's forearm, for once ignoring the hard muscles that made her hot under the collar.
'I'll be okay. I just need time.' Beatrice pulled away. 'I'm going to go. I have a shift soon.'
That was a lie. They both knew it. They both ignored it.
Beatrice would never blame Ava for falling in love with her. It was an inevitable fate, Beatrice fell on her own accord, fell for those stupidly brown eyes and piercing gaze.
But those feelings made her brain brew idea after idea after idea, until a night a week ago, where she let herself go, and let her faith go too.
Ava had left the bar, sleep deprived and with a cold, leaving Beatrice to close shop on her own. A woman had come in, only getting a singular drink, spending the rest of her night spinning her straw around, flirting with a flustered Beatrice.
'You are a very attractive person, has anyone told you that?' Tracy , her name was, asked, leaning over the bar.
'No one has. Thank you.' Beatrice was red hot, her face blushing.
'I would enjoy seeing you out of those work clothes.' She had giggled when Beatrice tripped over air.
'Yeah?' Beatrice's heart had stuttered in pace.
'Yes. Are you free after your shift?' Tracy had winked.
'I am. What do you suggest?' Beatrice's mouth was dry.
'My place isn't far from here.'
And the rest was... well. Beatrice had known, since she met Ava, that she had an attraction to one woman. But after that night, she understood her attraction stemmed further, and actions were much larger than simply thoughts.
Ava hadn't asked about that night, only a raised eyebrow and small smile when Beatrice had told her she fell asleep in the back room.
Beatrice entered the bar and sighed.
Was this the right decision?
What happens when-
What do I do with my life?
She rubbed her head, already feeling a headache.
Her first two hours were uneventful, keeping herself busy to stray away from unwanted thoughts.
Ava trudged in 3 hours in, grinning as always, and walking over to Beatrice.
'Hey Bea.' She gently leant in, leaving a soft kiss on Beatrice's forehead that seemed to wash away her problems, if only for 3 seconds.
'Ava. Can I- can we talk after work?' She asked, her fingers knotting together.
'Of course.' Ava gave her that easy grin, and Beatrice nodded in thanks.
When they got home that night, Ava plopped down on the sofa and tapped next to her.
'What's up?' She asked, leaning her head on Beatrice's shoulder.
'The reason I broke my vows, it was because I figured something out about myself.' Beatrice's heart was beating madly in her chest, her hands shaking in her lap.
Ava pressed her hand into the shaking ones, and Beatrice breathed in for the first time in a minute.
'Whatever you want to say, take your time Bea.' Ava kissed her cheek, and Beatrice blushed.
'I like you! I mean- I like women. I like a woman. You. You are the woman. I like.' Beatrice nodded after each sentence.
that wasn't so bad.
Ava peeled away and Beatrice's heart stopped.
It plummeted when Ava started laughing. Not just giggles, full on sobs of laughter that left her breathless.
'Beatrice baby that was the least calculated sentence that has ever come out of your mouth.' Ava finally said.
'I was nervous.' Beatrice frowned.
at least, after all this, I can keep her as a friend-
'Oh I like you too by the way. Always have. Like from day one. Just kinda always thought I didn't have a chance because of, you know, the whole nun thing.' Ava confessed, her words laced with amusement but her eyes, God her eyes, were razor sharp, honest and vulnerable.
Beatrice had locked this part of her away for so long. Too long. And so with a surge of love, elation and built up anticipation, she kissed Ava.
And Ava kissed back.
Beatrice learnt later, that Ava would always kiss back.

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