Im glad it's you pt 2 (Wednesday + Enid)

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The first sign this was a grave mistake was the next lunchtime.
Enid was holding her hand. And no, she didn't totally hate it. But there was a certain sting to knowing it was for someone else's attention.
'But we have to Wednesday, how else are we going to sell it?' Enid had asked, her eyes boring into Wednesday's with a look that made her knees weak.
Enid had ignored the part of her brain that added
that's a lie, you just want to hold her cold hand.
They sat down next to each other, their shoulders touching, and none of their friends batted an eyelid.
'Hey guys.' Enid said cheerfully.
A chorus of 'hey's replied.
Enid's heart sank when Ajax only gave her a nod in greeting, going back to his conversation with Yoko.
Wednesday felt a surge of anger. If they were going to do this, they had to do it correctly.
'Cara mio, can I have a bite of your sandwich?' She practically purred, taking pride in the satisfying red trailing up Enid's neck.
'Of course Weds.' Wednesday did her best not to cringe.
The black haired girl leant over and brushed her lips against Enid's cheek, something her father and mother did countless of times.
'Thank you.'
A silence was surrounding them as they looked at each other in fake adoration, broken rudely by Yoko.
'Finally! You guys are dating right? Hell yeah. Nice Enid. Knew you could tame the beast.'
Wednesday scowled, then her whole body froze, and not due to her command.
'We are dating! Isn't it great?' Enid was beaming, her body vibrating with excitement. Her facade is excellent.
'What do you mean finally?' Wednesday asked.
'You didn't tell her? Well your girlfriend over there has had a cru-'
'Enough about that. Haha.' Enid was scratching behind her ear awkwardly, her claws out.
Ajax was frowning.
'Why are you dating her Enid?' Wednesday steeled herself for the giggy grin, knowing the reaction would please Enid greatly.
Instead, a deep frown was etched onto her gorgeous face.
'Why wouldn't I? She's brilliant.'
Wednesday's heart fluttered and this moment was definitely in her top 5 trickiest to keep her stoic mask in place.
'You're complete opposites.' Ajax continued.
'That's why we compliment each other so well. Enid would be a perfect partner for anyone lucky enough. You're lucky for even being in her precious presence. And, if you ever forget her worth, your throat will be slit.' Wednesday was breathing a margin heavier than usual, and her eyebrows furrowed a centimetre further.
'But Enid-'
'Ajax, I like Wednesday. She's the one for me. She has been since she stepped through those gates. If you can't deal with that, go away.' Enid's chin was high.
So... maybe she didn't actually want to make Ajax jealous. Maybe she just wanted to play pretend for a day, whilst getting Ajax to back off. Maybe she-
'Me and my girlfriend will be in our room if you need us.' Wednesday stood abruptly, the table creaking loudly.
She tugged on the warmer hand still slotted against hers, and dragged Enid all the way to their room without argument.
'What was that Enid? You blew the mission completely.' Wednesday crossed her arms, partly to contain the restless energy she had obtained, and partly to stop herself from reaching out to retake Enid's hand.
'I can't go out with someone who treats you or anyone else like that.' Enid said softly, her eyes glimmering with something.
'You've realised stone boy isn't worth your time? Thank god for that.' Wednesday said dryly, desperately ignoring her hammering heart.
I have a chance.
No you don't, just because she doesn't like mr idiot doesn't mean she'll like you.
'I think I was just forcing myself to like him.' Enid muttered.
'And why would you do that? That is a worthless idea.'
'I was trying to get over someone else.'
'Oh. Well, was that mission at least successful?'
'Well then we shall continue fake dating until this other suitor steps forward?' Wednesday hoped she'd say yes. She could get used to some handholding.
'I don't... yeah okay. We should do that.' Enid sighs.
Now what? You wait for Wednesday to figure out it's been her all along???
'This person, are they in the group?' Wednesday prepared her heart to be shattered yet again, waiting for a name that wasn't hers to be giddily announced.
'You know what Wednesday? I can't do whatever this is okay? I'm not, I can't. It's you okay! It's you. It's always been you and at this rate, it's always going to be you. And I know you don't have any emotions, you don't feel love. So I'll need some space, and some time, maybe I'll room with Yoko for a few months- where are you going? Seriously Wednesday, I get that it's awkward but you can't just walk away from this friendship-'
'Give me two minutes.' Wednesday said, her voice shaking and heart going a mile a minute.
She disappeared into the bathroom, and Enid put her head in her hands, already feeling the bitter sting of tears.
'Fuck. Fuck. Why did I have to say that?' Enid whispered.
Wednesday hated her. She had lost the one person who understood her, and who made her feel welcomed beyond belief, just because of a stupid, teenage crush.
That's a lie. It's far more than that.
Wednesday stepped back into the room, frowning at the sight of a red eyed Enid.
'Why are you crying?'
'What- you, you just left! You clearly hate me for liking you and you-'
'No Enid. I was preparing myself. It's not everyday you have a last first kiss.'
And God, the way Wednesday was looking at her with such conviction, such certainty, made her heart melt.
'You talk too much.' Was the last thing Wednesday said, before leaning down, brushing a hair from Enid's face, and placing her cold lips on warm ones.
Wednesday was never a fan of colour, but the ones going off behind her closed eyelids made her rethink.
Enid whined quietly into the kiss, pushing herself further into Wednesday, who locked herself in between Enid's legs.
Wednesday nibbled on her bottom lip before pulling away, leaning her forehead onto the wolfs.
'So I have tamed the beast?' Enid breathed out with a giggle, her viens flooding with adrenaline.
'Yes. Tell anyone and-'
'You're gutted alive. I know you, don't worry you're secrets safe with me.' Enid placed a hand on Wednesday's face, her claws lightly scratching up and down.
Wednesday's eyes fluttered closed, a small smile lifting her lips.
'I like you too Enid. If it wasn't obvious. I know I'm bad with feelings, but my heart beats faster around you, and my palms do get clammy sometimes when I see your fangs.' Wednesday admits, her voice vulnerable.
'Yoko told me you liked me back. I told her, months ago, about my crush on you. She told me your heart skipped a beat everytime I looked at you. I didn't believe her.' Enid couldn't keep her eyes still, taking in every inch of her (girlfriends?) face.
'You are my weakness, Enid. I'm glad it's you.' Wednesday kissed her again.

Wednesday ran to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Because she loves Enid. And wants their first kiss to be perfect. Okay bye.

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