Interviews pt 2 (Jenna Ortega)

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Jenna winked into the camera and the moment was forgotten, for everyone else watching.
But you were still, breathing controlled breaths, trying desperately to order the jumble going on in your head.
Surely she's joking around, right?
She's said stuff like this about the rest of the cast, hadn't she? Had she?
Your mind was scrambling for something to cling onto, and all you could give it was it's a lie. she's just making a joke...
it's just sex. stop making it something it's not. come on. if she wanted more, she would've said by now.
The interview carried on, Jenna's soothing voice coming from your phone.
You slapped yourself a few times, trying not to over think and spiral into a mess of confusion.
Especially considering you were meant to go to your own interview in a half hour.
Shit, your interview is in half an hour.
You scrambled to turn your phone off and get in the shower.
Forget about what she said. You need to GO.
You got there just on time for makeup, and sighed in relief, sitting on the sofa and greeting the girl in front of you.
She was pretty, her hair brown, and flowing softly around her face, where gentle features sat.
Comfort wasn't something you usually felt during interviews, thinking they are all a little staged and awkward, but she was easy to talk to and made you genuinely laugh.
'So, are you single?' She asked halfway through.
'I am.' The words stung, and your mind drifted to Jenna, wishing you could say the opposite.
'People must be falling over their feet for you.' She smiled and- was she flirting?
'Aha no not really.' You scratched your head awkwardly.
After the camera had been shut off, Amanda stood and sat next to you.
'So, are you really single?' She nudged your shoulder.
'Can I have your number then?' She was grinning.
'Is that not a bit unprofessional?' You said, at the same time taking your phone out of your pocket. So what if she's not Jenna, if you can't have the black haired goddess, you may as well settle.
'What my manager doesn't know won't hurt.'
But you turned your phone on and there was a text.
Jen ❤️
that brunette bitch was flirting with you the whole time. come home.

You glanced at Amanda, who looked hopeful.
'I'm sorry. I can't. I have...' You tried to describe it.
'Is it about what Jenna Ortega said on her interview today?' So Amanda was smart. If Jenna wasn't inhibiting your heart, you'd definitely be interested.
'Am I that easy to read?' You chuckled sadly.
'It's part of the job. Let me guess, you like her and aren't sure if she's being serious?'
'Something like that.'
'And you don't want to ruin whatever you have going on, so you aren't telling her?'
'Tell her. If your friendship is anything like you and her say, if you tell her and worst case, she doesn't like you like that, it won't change anything. And imagine the payoff.'
'Where did you get your wisdom from? I might need it.' She chuckles and you smile sadly.
'Tell her. You won't regret it. Can I still have your number? I want to know how it goes, and if it doesn't go the way you want it, you'll have my number.' She grins cheekily and you laugh.
You exchange numbers, and give her a hug before you leave.
Getting home, you sigh and slip your shoes off.
You physically jumped when you flipped the switch of your bedroom and found Jenna sitting in the middle of your bed.
'Why are you sitting in the dark?' You said, walking over and stroking a hair behind her ear.
'You took longer than usual.' Jenna sounded, searching?
'I was talking to Amanda after the interview.' You tilted her chin upwards, leaning down to-
'Amanda? That bitch that interviewed you?' Jenna leant back and you frowned.
'She wasn't a bitch. She was really nice actually.'
'She was flirting with you the whole time!'
'And that's an issue because?'
'Because... because-' She flailed her arms and you could see tears pooling in her eyes, her ears red and body tense and god were you finally FINALLY having this conversation?
'Did you mean what you said in your interview Jen?' You watched her eyes dart across the room, before landing on the painting on your wall.
'I- maybe- I mean I know we had this thing going on and I don't want to lose that- but, I like you. More than the mind blowing sex.' Jenna huffed.
Your whole world tilted, and your grin was probably blinding.
'You- Jenna, I like you too. I have for a long time.' Her eyes lock on yours instantly, and you see that magical shine that's rooted in your heart.
She lunges at you, full force, and you catch her body as her mouth catches yours.
You moan into the kiss, that's brimming with adoration and lust and future.
Just seen the news on instagram. Glad it went well.

Jenna Ortega and (Y/n) (Y/l/n) make it official!
❤️ liked by jennaortega and others

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