New Year (Wednesday + Enid)

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'Hey, uh, are you excited for tonight?' Enid called over from her side of the room.
She was watching tiktoks, passing the time before she could get ready for the big new year's party Nevermore hosted each year.
'For a seemingly never ending torture which is interacting with other stupid students for far too long, then proceeding to watch them exchange spit when it turns to a new, unfortunate year? No.' Wednesday replied without batting an eyelid.
Enid's shoulders slumped, and she hated the fact her body tingled with the first sign of tears.
She rubbed at her eyes, desperate to not let her roommates reply get to her.
Because maybe, just maybe, when Enid let her mind run wild, and let her deepest desires come into the light, she wanted Wednesday. In every way possible. She wanted to hold her hand, to hug her, to 'exchange spit' with her.
And the ever growing burning inside of her, that seemed to ignite due to her best friend, couldn't be extinguished, no matter how hard she tried.
'Why do you even bother going then?' Enid tried to hide the hurt from her voice, then realised Wednesday wouldn't care either way.
'I happen to enjoy watching certain people enjoy themselves. And I am particularly fond of the black punch they served last year.' Wednesday says quietly, like it's a secret close to her heart.
'I thought you hated seeing people happy?' Enid asked, just as quietly, because even this amount of openness was unusual.
'Not you, Enid.' And she was turning away, back to her typewriter, oblivious or uncaring to Enid's fast paced heart.
Enid failed to notice the shake in Wednesday's hands.
'I'm going to Yoko's to get ready.' Enid said absentmindedly, looking for her hairbrush.
'Why not get ready here?' Wednesday stopped typing to glance over at the colourful warewolf.
'She asked me to get ready with her! I also want my outfit to be a surprise to you!' Enid explained hastily, a gently red dusting on her cheeks.
'Ah I see. Is that a... normal occurrence on a night like this? To only allow certain people to see your dresses?' Wednesday asked hesitantly.
Enid melted slightly at the obvious vulnerability in her question.
'Kinda! It adds some mystery. Not like you need much more but still!' Enid babbled, assembling all the makeup she'll need.
'I see.' Wednesday turned back to what she was doing.
'Look... If you don't want to go tonight, you don't have to.' Enid bundled her brushes to her chest, trying to stop the disappointment at Wednesday's lack of anticipation seep into her tone.
'But you asked me to be there for you?' Wednesday witnessed her roommate sigh and hug the items in her hand closer to her chest.
with you. i asked you to be there with me. thought Enid.
'I know, but it's not your thing and-'
'Do you want me there?' Wednesday watched as a brush fell off the pile, and Enid huffed cutely and picked it up.
'Obviously I want you there Wends I'm just saying-'
'Then I'll be there.' Wednesday nodded with conviction, and Enid grinned widely.
'I'll meet you in the hall.' Enid practically squealed, balancing her dress and accessories and bounding out of the door.
Having a chance to admire Wednesday in a dress again, even only as a friend, was a blessing Enid didn't take lightly.

Wednesday stared at herself, nodding her head in approval.
Hopefully Enid would like her look. Not that she cared... or anything.
She had dark, smokey eyeliner that flicked dramatically, paired with her pale complexion, and her dark hair was tied in a complex up-do, strands framing her face as well as her bangs.
Her dress fanned out behind her in waves of satin, pooling at her feet as if the fabric was black blood.
And if she saw that stupid stoner even look in Enid's direction, it would be a pool of red blood at her feet.
Wednesday had tried the whole two weeks trying to ask Enid to the dance, and failed.
She berated herself for it daily, as the words would stick in her throat like mucus, and the feelings would clog her capillaries until she felt like cardiac arrest was going to take her last breaths.
Enid had mentioned it a few days prior, asking Wednesday to go. Wednesday had wanted to scream, and potentially cry for the first time in years, but a slight eyebrow furrow was all she allowed herself, before saying she'd go to the silly dance. Annoyed at herself for not plucking the courage to ask Enid properly, and annoyed at Enid for suggesting going as the warewolf's friend, she had promptly sulked up until the very day of the dance.
The only thing making this torture actually worth it, considering it wasn't the usual torture she enjoyed, was getting to see Enid in a dress again.
Wednesday swept through the hall, trying not to look too desperate to see a flurry of familiar blonde hair, but still feeling her chin tilt up to peak over the crowd.
A gasp from her left made her turn around, and she herself exhaled louder than usual at the sight that greeted her.
Enid walked down the stairway, her light pink dress flowing freely around her, draping down the steps behind her.
Her hair was in a single, loose braid, wisps of wavy blonde escaping, and her eyes, god her eyes, were an intense blue, framed by a brighter pink eyeliner.
They met Wednesday's in the crowd, and for a split second Enid paused, took a breath, before descending quicker than she was before.
Before Wednesday could prepare herself for seeing such a picture of beauty, it was standing in front of her.
'Wends.' Enid breathed out.
Wednesday, for the first time in her life, was left with a brain void of any thoughts.
'Enid.' She almost, almost, stuttered.
'You look... drop dead gorgeous.' Enid's eyes roamed over her, and she preened internally at the attention.
'You also look nice.' Nice. Nice. Wednesday was kicking herself, and not in a delightful way, in a murderous one.
Enid deserved much much more than nice.
However, Enid was blushing prettily, and bowing her head with a bashful smile.
'Thanks roomie.' She whispered, looking up at Wednesday through her lashes.
The shorter girl's knees almost gave out.
'Enid!' Wednesday plotted several ways to snap the snakes off Ajax's head as he tumbled over to Enid.
'Hey.' She smiled, but it didn't quite reach her eyes.
'Would you like to dance with me?' He asked, smirking and holding out his hand.
Enid glanced at Wednesday, hoping she'd cut in, or say anything instead of just staring.
'Sure.' She huffed out.
It was 11 when she finally escaped from her friends, laughing and having had some fun but missing her goth friend.
It took her 10 minutes to find Wednesday, who was out on a balcony, staring at the dark sky.
'I should've known you would be drawn to the only darkness available.' Enid joked, slipping out and closing the door behind her.
It was early summer, so it wasn't too cold, Enid still leaning close to Wednesday for some warmth.
'It was getting suffocating in there.' Wednesday didn't move away as Enid brushed her shoulder against hers, and left it there.
'It was. Ajax wouldn't leave me alone.'
'Would you like me to cut his arms off?'
'No it's okay. He's just being friendly. Pretty sure he had his eye on Xavier for a new years kiss anyways.' Enid grumbled, thinking of her own new years kiss, and how it will more likely than not be non existent this year.
'Good.' A wave of relief washed over Wednesday.
'I'm assuming you won't be giving anyone a new years kiss?' Enid hummed, acting nonchalant.
'If the opportunity arises, my heart has weakened for someone, and I find myself unable to be repulsed by the idea of kissing them at midnight.' Wednesday spat out quietly.
Enid tensed.
'Yes sadly. But I am unsure whether she feels the same. I am lacking knowledge when it comes to courting.'
Enid could not believe her luck. She was about to help her crush fall for someone else.
'Well, describe her too me and maybe I can help?'
'She's slightly taller than me, her eyes are the most beautiful, soul sucking things I have witnessed. She has blonde hair, and she's caring. More caring than I deserve, and that I tolerate, but for her, my rules have changed.' Wednesday was looking up at Enid as she spoke, taking in the girls side profile as she looked out at the landscape with a hint of hurt in her expression.
Stupid warewolf.
'She has deadly fangs that get me hot under the collar. And claws that I wouldn't mind being massaged with, even if they're painted disgustingly bright colours. And-'
'Wednesday.' Enid gasped in realisation, the very claws the black haired girl just described protruding out in excitement.
'And she doesn't realise that she has a new years kiss, if she wants it, standing right in front of her.' Wednesday finished, sounding softer and more open than Enid could've ever imagined.
'She wants it.' Enid whispered.
'She definitely wants it.' Enid leant in slowly, tilting her head down and touching her forehead to the shorter girl's.
'It's not midnight yet.' Wednesday said, and Enid giggled.
'I've waited long enough.' And in the next beat, her lips pressed to cold ones.
It was a press of lips, before she pulled back, and the girls shared a shaky breath, then it was so much more.
Wednesday's hands found Enid's hair, scratching and scraping, as Enid's found Wednesday's waist.
Their mouths slotted together, moving in a dance better than any Enid had performed that night.
They broke for air, not straying far, and once Wednesday had caught her breath, she dove back into an obsession she knew would be a long one.
That was how their friendship group found them, a minute after midnight, moulded together with kiss swollen lips.
And if they all noticed the purple marks now littering Wednesday's pale neck, they kept their mouths shut.
For good reason too, as Enid had felt the knife hidden in the pocket of Wednesday's dress, when she had gone for an ass grab that left her with a bleeding thumb.

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