Muscles (Enid + Wednesday)

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If you asked Wednesday if she was excited to see Enid again, she would say no, her face would stay in the passive frown it was stuck in. However, if you really knew her, the slight twitch of her left eyebrow would tell you all you need to know.
Wednesday scolded that eyebrow as if it had murdered her entire family. Her only tell that she was lying, and she detested it.
Spent many days lying to herself in the mirror, willing that traitorous eyebrow to stay still, but failing every time.
Thankfully, the students of Nevermore had learnt better than to ask Wednesday anything, let alone something as trivial as that, so she didn't have to lie to anyone.
She did have to keep her speed neutral, the typical too slow to be irritating, but fast enough to get to her destination efficiently, no matter how much she wished to run through the halls, desperate to see the blonde girl that flooded her thoughts day and night.
She then had to keep her disappointed sigh inside as she opened the door to an empty room, no sign of nauseating colours and pop posters.
Funnily enough, the lack of those caused more nausea in Wednesday.
Wednesday had never believed in love, until this summer.
That stupid fucking saying 'distance makes the heart grow fonder' had, unbeknown to her, crept up until it engulfed her whole, leaving her with the startlingly disgusting realisation. She loved Enid.
She loved her absurd texting habits, her strings of emojis, and her facetimes Wednesday often ignored.
What? She had to uphold her reputation a little.
She loved her. And now that she's come to the conclusion, she can't for the life of her get Enid out of her head.
And not being able to see her obsession had been torture, and not the good kind.
So maybe she was excited to see her bubbly roommate.
No one needed to know that.
An hour after she arrived, her things were neatly put away, and she was typing silently on her typewriter.
The door swung open with force, and Wednesday couldn't help herself, looking up and hoping, praying-
Enid stood in the doorway, hands full of bags.
A squeal escaped her mouth when she saw Wednesday, and all bags were dropped, before she zoomed over to where she was sitting and lunged at Wednesday.
'Willa! I've missed you.' Enid picked Wednesday up and twirled her around, enlightened by the small arms that wrapped around her back.
'Hello Enid.' Wednesday tried and failed to stop her grin, so hid it in Enid's shoulder.
Once Enid put her down, Wednesday blinked in shock.
Enid had grown. A hell of a lot.
She stood at almost 5'11, and Wednesday had to bend her neck awkwardly to look up at the girl that held her heart.
Wednesday felt a degree hotter than usual, and clenched her knuckles tightly.
'How's your summer been? How's Mortica and Gomez? Did they like the fire prank you pulled? Have you seen any of our other friends around yet? Do you-' Wednesday raised her hand, and Enid stopped abruptly.
Wednesday tried not to be effected by this obvious display of submission, but it didn't get past her, the fact someone so tall was at her mercy.
'It has been good. They are fine. It was not a prank Enid, and they were horrified when they saw the remains of their bedroom. I have not.' Wednesday looked at the beaming girl, watching as she practically vibrated on the spot.
'I have to find them! There's so much catching up to do. Do you wanna join me?'
'No. I do not care for their summers.' Wednesday walked back to her typewriter, uninterested in spending time with anyone but Enid.
'I'll say you're having a nap. Did you see we have gym scheduled on our timetables now? I'm pretty excited actually!' Enid bounded to the door.
'I will be ill every day I have it. Gym is the highest form of torture.' Wednesday replied.
'Suit yourself. I wanna put my new muscles to good use.' And with that, she was gone, her bags still packed and strewn around the floor.
Wednesday forgot about the conversation, too intrigued about listening to the stories Enid gifted her when she had gotten back from her outing.
They stayed up late, talking of their families, their home friends (Enid's home friends, Wednesday had none) and everything in between.
It was the next morning, and Wednesday was ready for class, waiting for Enid to hurry up.
Enid's vest top was a hideous yellow, and Wednesday scowled in disapproval.
'It's not like we have gym today, Wends, and this is the only top that shows off these bad boys. I wanna show the Furs I'm one of them now.' And Wednesday's black heart stuttered. Actually stuttered, for the first time in her life. She thought it might be the beginning of a heart attack, until her heart beat caught up, beating a speed faster than her usual.
Because Enid was flexing playfully, but her arms were anything but playful.
Wednesday vaguely remembered Enid talking about the workouts she did in summer, paired with her growth spurt from wolfing out, and how it had effected her body, but this was the first time seeing the evidence in the flesh.
Her biceps were bulging, touching her forearms that had definitely doubled in diameter.
Her shoulders were defined, muscle fibres painfully obvious and straining.
Wednesday's mouth felt dry, and all the moisture in her body accumulated in one place.
All she could think about was being hugged by those arms, being carried around, being fuc-
'I wonder if I could beat Yoko in an arm wrestle now. But I wouldn't want to hurt her! Maybe I'll ask her.' Enid was still rambling, her arm back to her side as she looked for her phone, but Wednesday's brain was stuck on a loop, the picture of Enid engrained so strongly in her mind.
'Wends are you good? You kinda zoned out on me there.' Enid placed a gentle hand on Wednesday's arm. It burned.
'I'm fine Enid. Hurry up. We're going to be late.' Wednesday snapped.
It was a week later when the first gym class started, and Wednesday was far too excited to sleep the night before.
She had gotten glimpses of a toned tricep as Enid got into bed, or 2 out of the however many abs she had as she stretched in the morning, but she knew gym class was the best place to openly stare, and not get caught.
Enid came out of the changing room in a sports bra and leggings, and Wednesday was already drooling at the sight of an 8 pack, and muscular thighs.
Wednesday was sat on a bench, not participating in any workouts, but she knew she'd soon be sweating.
End hopped over to the pull-up bar Yoko was standing at, jumping up to it easily.
Wednesday felt herself flush, and her breath caught as Enid's back contracted, pulling her body up and down multiple times, before jumping back down without a sweat.
The rest of her workout was just as mouthwatering, and Wednesday found herself licking her lips to moisten them, thoughts of licking the sweat off of Enid's gorgeous body invading her mind.
At the end of the class, Enid sauntered over to Wednesday and winked.
'Enjoy the show?'
Wednesday blinked in quick succession, said nothing, and bolted out of the hall.
It was much later when Wednesday returned to their room.
'Wends! I'm sorry about what I said earlier. It's just- I saw you watching me and thought- It doesn't matter what I thought... I'm sorry.' Enid had her head hung low, and Wednesday almost frowned at the jumper Enid had on, showing no tanned skin.
'It is okay Enid.' Wednesday replied.
They sat in relatively awkward silence for an hour, the only sound the clacking of Wednesday's keys.
'I did by the way.' Wednesday breathed out slowly.
'Did what?' Enid asked.
'Enjoy the show.' Wednesday said quietly, head turned towards her roommate, just in time to see her blush.
Enid stood slowly, walked over, and kneeled down next to Wednesday's chair.
'Yeah? I wasn't making it up in my head?' Enid had reached to cup Wednesday's cheek, and she let her with a small hum.
'No. You have infected my heart since summer.' Wednesday admitted in a hushed tone.
'Can I, would it be okay if I kissed you?' Enid asked, her voice breaking.
'Yes. That would be-'
Enid surged forward, and connected their lips in a hard, passionate way, one that made Wednesday's blood pump, and her legs feel like jelly.
A nibble at her bottom lip took her breath away, and the tongue that followed rid her mind of any thoughts completely.
One thing stayed in Wednesday's mind as Enid lifted her onto her bed, crawling over her and licking into her mouth with a moan, she really really liked Enid's muscles, but she really really loved Enid.

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