New girl (Wednesday)

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You watched, your heart jumping, as the new girl walked into your dark mystery of a school. Nevermore had treated you well over the past two years, you had made lots of friends, a best friend called Enid, and you fit in. You belonged.
You were on the balcony, having heard the whispers of an arrival, and surveyed how the pale, gorgeous girl floated in through the gates, her parents following.
Analysing her features from afar was a difficulty, but her heart beat was steady in your ears and you grinned.
Her dark eyes wandered from face to face, her stoic nature never changing, her lips firmly planted in a slight frown. cute.
She caught your eye as she let herself observe her surroundings, and her heart changed for a split second, and you tried to act unbothered.
Her parents were loud and boisterous, and you found yourself chuckling at their display before they left to a sleek black car.
The girl walked, unfazed by the stares, and she stood out like a beautiful juxtaposition of the bright blue uniform, her black blazer parting the sea of students.
The bell rang and you were startled out of your awe, trudging off to class, with a smirk and thoughts of long, braided hair on your mind.
Whispers of who and how and why were passed around the class, and you sat back and enjoyed the gossip and rumours already starting.
Enid stumbled in half way through, plopping herself down next to you in her designated seat.
'Where have you been?' You nudge her.
'Showing the new girl around.' She let out excitedly. A few heads around you turned and the questions were flung at your best friend.
'What's her name?' A siren asked.
'Wednesday Addams. She's... quiet. And a bit scary.' Enid shivered.
'What made her move here?' Another asked.
'Issue with her old school, involving a swimming pool I think.' Enid told them, clearly loving how they cling onto her every word.
You couldn't help but do the same, you were intrigued. 
'What is she?' A vampire pipped in.
'I'm not entirely sure.' Enid supplied, slumping back in her chair in the realisation that she didn't actually have much information to share.
You poked her in her cheek.
'Nice of you to show her round wolfie.' You watched as she scrunched her nose and laughed.
'Well she's also my roommate, so that will be interesting.' You stopped what you were writing and mulled over her words. Interesting indeed.
'She's painted her whole side of the room black! It's scary. She's also already threatened me 20 times. It's been 2 hours!' Enid whispered to you.
Your stomach did a flip. 'That is pretty scary. Sure you're going to survive this year E?'
'Oh God I hope so.' She went slightly pale.
You patted her on the back.
'It'll all work out.'
It had not all worked out. Enid had come to you every day for a week complaining about her new roommate and how terrifying and morbid she is.
It was day 7 when you huffed at an exasperated Enid and rolled over onto your belly on your bed.
'Shall I speak to her for you?' You say, a certain glint in your eye that made Enid frown in confusion.
'What will that help anything? She won't listen to a stranger.'
'You never know.' You shrug.
'Fine. Come on. It's time you met this insufferable being.' Enid trudged through the halls.
You walked into her room and like she said, the whole right side was black. You grinned like a fool. How had two opposites gotten so unlucky.
The black haired girl was facing away from you, typing on a type writer.
'I see my gift is still serving you well.' You let the words hang, and ignored Enid's small 'huh?'.
The typing stopped, and she turned around slowly, gently.
'It's about time you paid me a visit.' Was the response, emotionless but not at all cold.
You heard Enid gasp in clear confusion.
'I'm sorry tesoro , I have been giving you time to settle in.' You watched as she stood up and paced over to you, her ears tinted red.
'I know cara mio , I just missed you is all.' Wednesday's pale face gave away to a small, soft smile and you placed your hand on her cold face.
'I missed you too.' You leant in as she did, and your heart sped up at the sound of hers, pulsing frantically in her chest as you kissed.
Her lips were icy, just how you liked them and she licked into your mouth gently. You felt her lips tilt upwards, and yours did too, until you were simply pressing smile to smile.
You pulled away, letting your hands fall into her smaller ones, where they were squeezed twice.
'What. The. Fuck.' You had forgotten Enid was there.
'So.... Me and Weds kinda maybe know each other already?' You grinned sheepishly at Enid before glancing back at your girlfriend, who was staring at you in that cute, adoring way.
'Kinda? Weds?! Already know each other?!?' Enid stood, dumbfounded.
'Do you remember that camp I talked to you about two summers ago?' You asked Enid, but your eyes were still set on the angel before you, bringing a hand up to stroke at her cheekbone. She nuzzled into your hand.
'I met Wednesday there. I've been dating her ever since.' You turned to face Enid now, knowing she'd have questions.
'You- and you... I've never even seen her smile!!' Enid was pointing at Wednesday, who was looking up at you with a smile full of love.
'I broke down those black walls a long time ago, didn't I love?' You kissed her forehead and she leant into you.
'You did, sadly. I now seem to have lost my mystery and evil I built up around the warewolf.' She let a bit of her stoic mask slip back on and affection ran through you.
'She has a name, remember.' You scold her slightly.
She scowls at you, with no malice behind it.
'Fine. Enid, you will tell no one about this, else I'll gut you and have you for breakfast. Understood?' Wednesday said, her head held high, even though she was still clutching at your hand.
'Understood.' Enid gulped.
'I'm so happy you guys are bonding.' You grinned at the two frowns you got your way.
This is going to be such a fun year.

Hey guys. This is my first one shot of this book. Let me know if you want any particular requests, gonna use this as a dump for all the random shots I write!

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