Reunited (Jenna)

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You hadn't seen your girlfriend in a year, not in person anyway.
And you were dealing with it. You were.
She was busy expanding her career, one project at a time, and with those projects came premieres, and press, and promotional events that had Jenna jumping from country to country, microphone to microphone. She had had a few spare weeks in her calendar the past year, but you were adamant that she spend them with her family.
Most weeks, she couldn't even leave the city she had been hauled to, but the ones she could, you pushed her to visit her mom.
You had seen first hand what missing her mom had done to her mental health, and you knew her mom valued that time just as much as Jenna did.
It still sucked you couldn't see her in the flesh, but it sucked less when you'd get a call, and be graced by a grinning Jenna, her mom next to her with an arm looped around her neck, asking how your day has been.
The facetimes had been endless, your favourite the ones where she was lying in a hotel bed, bare faced and soft, murmuring sweet nothings until one of you fell asleep.
But you had to admit, the craving to hug her, kiss her, touch her, has been suffocating on the good days.
Watching her masturbate through your laptop screen has been hot, and let you get enough release at the time, but knowing what her fingers did to you made your own dim in comparison.
She had an event today, you knew as much, but she didn't tell you where or what time, so you were pretty stumped on when she'd call you.
She wasn't particularly fond of talking about work when she wasn't working, always saying it took up so much of her time already, so you never asked much, only took in what she told you or what you saw on the media.
You hoped it was evening time, as you had your own event to go to, one Jenna's mom had bought tickets for you and her.
You had picked her up from the airport earlier that day, and the hug you received was bone crushing.
Ever since you and Jenna had started dating, her mom had taken you in like another daughter.
The event was for Dior, and you were excited to see what they'd come up with.
Natalie was getting ready as you sat on the sofa, having finished your makeup and hair.
'What time did you say it starts again?' You shouted.
You were scrolling through tiktok as you waited, and Jenna's mom didn't take long to appear.
You got into the car that was taking you there, and grabbed Natalie's hand.
'Thank you for this.' You said quietly. 'I've been missing Jen like crazy recently, and going to something like this will take my mind off of it, and remind me of all the good she does doing events similar.' You squeezed her hand in gratitude.
'Of course honey. I'm here for you. You know that.' She gave you a side hug, and you tried not to let the lump in your throat get any bigger.
'I miss her too.' She said after a moment of silence.
You just sigh in response, burrowing slightly further into her embrace.
The longing had originally engulfed you daily, that constant want to be in Jenna's presence overwhelming. It had ebbed over time, into a continuous nag in your heart, something you just had to learn to live with.
The ride to the venue was about 3 hours long and slightly out of the city, but before you knew it you were being ushered into the large building.
You looked around in awe at the purple hue, seeing Natalie do the same.
'So we'll look around for a bit then I think a few of the new faces of Dior will arrive.' She explained, and you nodded, eyes still taking in the decor.
'This is so pretty.' You grin.
It was another hour before you got told to stand behind a row of barriers, a short red carpet running on the other side of it.
'Who do you think are the new faces? I haven't seen anything about this latest launch.' You asked.
'I'm not sure.' Natalie grinned. You squinted at her.
'What's got you smiling so weirdly?' You joked.
'Are you calling my smile weird young lady?' She joked back.
'Not at all.' You pretended to stand to attention like a soldier and she chuckled.
'Here look they're arriving.' She pointed and you looked back in time to see the first well dressed, clearly celebrity guests.
Some faces were familiar, from various movies or news articles, and you smiled at them all as they walked past, looking immaculate.
'Hey y/n?'
'Do you recognise the last girl?' Natalie whispered the last part, and you glanced to the back of the short queue.
'Jenna.' You whispered. You suddenly felt your heartbeat everywhere, having to grasp Jenna's moms arm to hold you up, your legs shaking.
Your eyes were glued to your girlfriend, drinking in her small frame like you were parched.
In a sense you were.
She was just as gorgeous as she had been last, but the grainy screen of your phone had not done her justice.
'Nat. Jenna's here?' You gasped, your mouth suddenly dry.
Your hands were shaking, tingling with the possibility of finally, finally touching your girlfriend after so long.
'She is. Surprise.' She was grinning, not that your eyes had strayed from the view in front of you, but you could hear it in her voice.
The seconds it took Jenna to talk to a few of the reporters and say hi were the longest of your life.
You were begging for her to just look at you, and when she did, you'll look back at the comical moment for years to come.
Her eyebrows furrowed for a split second, before raising, her eyes wide and instantly glassy.
The grin you were rewarded with was blinding, and gorgeous, and she immediately climbed the barrier and into your arms.
Your body sighed in relief at the contact of hers.
You could feel your shirt getting wet with her tears, and you had to hold back yours with a bitten lip.
You squeezed her hard, twirling her around slightly, giggling in school girl excitement.
'I cant believe you're here.' You exhaled into her hair, putting her down but not letting go yet.
Your brain was whirling, the happiness bubbling out of you as you breathed unsteadily.
She pulled back, putting her hands onto your cheeks delicately.
'I cant believe you're here.' She voiced back, her words cracking.
'God have I missed you.' You could feel the smile breaking your face in two, mirrored by the woman in front of you.
You drew your hands from her waist and cradled her head in them.
'You have no idea how long I've been waiting for that.' Jenna's eyes closed and another tear dropped down her cheek, one you caught with your thumb, and her whole body practically sagged into you.
You analysed her beautiful features, taking a longing glance at her full lips, before remembering you weren't on facetime anymore, you could actually kiss her.
And you did exactly that.
As you held her face in your hands, you leant down and captured her lips with your own, your body lighting up from the gasp it emitted.
You allowed her to lean further into you, nibbling your bottom lip as you groaned softly into her mouth.
A gentle cough brought you out of your Jenna haze.
'Sorry girls. Jen, just reminding you you're at an event sweetheart.' Natalie winked at both of you as you flushed.
Jenna's smile faded slightly.
'I have to go.' She muttered.
'Will I see you after?' Your heart sped up in alarm. No way were you letting her out of your sight for another few months after that.
'Yes. Fuck of course baby. I need to see you after. My flight for my next press event leaves in 2 weeks. I was going to surprise you at home, but I guess you beat me too it.' She grinned up at you, her eyes sparkling.
'Thank your mom. I'm as surprised as you are darling.'
'I've got to get going. The quicker I'm done here, the quicker we can leave.' She said.
'Okay. Okay. Let me just-' She kissed you before you could ask for another, and you smiled into her mouth.
'I'll see you soon.' She whispered.
You turned to Natalie when she was gone, hugging her.
'Thank you.' You whispered.
'You deserve it for making my girl that happy. Also, I'll be getting a separate ride to the airport after. So you girls can have your house to yourselves.' She smirked at you.
'Oh um-'
'Don't pretend that doesn't happen. I just don't want to be there when it does. You've been apart for a year, and my Jenna is stubborn, she doesn't wait for what she wants.' Natalie patted you on the shoulder, and you gulped.
'Thank you.' You huffed in return.
'You're welcome my dear. Come on, I know where she'll be let out when she's done. We can wait for her there.'

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